Disturbing Search Requests
Frankly, I'm not sharing this one because it's obscene. It apparently refers to the sexual practices of someone named "Tim" in Australia who has a blog on Blogspot.
The warmonger with a heart.
Disturbing Search Requests
ajc.com | Sports | Masters will be shown without commercials
Bill would restrict commutations
Manatees coming back to Mobile Bay
Vigilante Mayor!
The Nando Times: John Walker Lindh seeks forgiveness from Americans, lawyers say
Condredge's Acolytes is Steve Smith's new college football weblog. I'll be posting there sporadically, focusing on the SEC.
DC Baseball in 2003?
AP Wire | 08/30/2002 | Island Advertises for Shepherd
Yahoo! News - Fox Fishes for Reality in 'Green Acres'
Erosion of Our Rights Update
Hollywood stars glitter in Roswell
CNN.com - Chain sues to edit sex, violence from films - August 30, 2002
The plaintiffs claim they have a First Amendment right to excise foul language, sexual content and violence from videos destined for private use.
Palestinian: Stop Suicide Bombings
The Palestinian security chief called for an end to suicide bombings against Israel, denouncing ``murders for no reason,'' in an interview published Friday in an Israeli newspaper.
Reuters AlertNet - Lebanon cleric urges Muslims to withdraw funds from US
Swedish man arrested over suspected hijack attempt
AP Wire | 08/30/2002 | WTO allows Europe to impose sanctions
Extremely Disturbing Search Requests
West Nile not culprit in pigeon deaths here
CNN.com - Will ice melt open fabled Northwest Passage? - August 29, 2002
Nigerian Islamic Court Issues Two More Death By Stoning Sentences
Most pets safe from West Nile
Krispy Kreme earnings jump, topping estimates
Snakehead Fish Outlawed in N.C.
I have a policy here of not talking about work except in the vaguest of terms (well, I talk about cataloging, but that really effects only me -- I won't talk about interpersonal stuff, or the students), and not telling stories about the college I work for. Now, anybody who's read this for any length of time -- and who really cares -- should easily be able to tell where I work, even if I haven't slipped and mentioned it. But generally, I don't tell what's going on around here.
CNN.com - Seattle man indicted on terror charges - August 29, 2002
Reuters Wire | 08/29/2002 | Hamas Vows New Attacks to Avenge Gaza Killings
Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Airlines Refuses Ticket to Dalai Lama
``We had respectfully asked the Dalai Lama to take a route that doesn't stop in Seoul for his and other passengers' safety,'' said Kim Haeng-seok, an Asiana spokesman.
5 in Detroit indicted as al Qaeda 'sleepers' / FBI says cell's job was to scout airport, buy guns
Not Really That Disturbing New Zealander Search Requests
NBC, J.Lo base sitcom on la vida Lopez
IHT: Hitchhiking species a threat worldwide
Hamdullah Zedan, executive secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, said that a more effective international system to prevent bio-invasions is urgently needed.
NEWS.com.au | Hamas leader arrested (August 29, 2002)
Publisher sues after buying novel from man who falsely claimed he was Carlo Gambino's grandson
CNN.com - Six found shot to death at Alabama house - August 28, 2002
SAT scores land Georgia in 50th place
Fun With Referrer Logs And Homonyms
Slippery Slope Update
Poll shows close race
Thompson: TV role won't hinder Senate job
Council raises its pledge to dome
I pledge allegiance to the Dome of the Birmingham-Jefferson County area.
And to the metropolitan area for which it stands.
One metropolitan area, under Richard Scrushy, Chairman of Healthsouth.
With higher hotel taxes and bond payment rates for all.
U.S. Troops Focus on Border's Caves to Seek bin Laden
Alabamians raise scores on college-entrance SAT
Clean Water Discussed at Earth Summit
2 men thought dead since 9/11 found alive
Jacko To Play Poe?
Fun With NPR
NPR GUY: Some critics say that Saudi Arabia, and Egypt too, aren't democratic and are afraid of freedom in Iraq, which would destabilize the region.
SAUDI FLACK: That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Saudi Arabia has been ruled by, has had the same government for 217 [possibly 270 -- MT] years. We are not concerned about that. But as an ally, a friend, we are advising the United States.
First, the Giant Leaping Attack Sturgeon epidemic sprung up in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Now they've found a freshwater ally in the Big Muddy:
Now a more recent arrival, the black carp, is stirring alarm from New Orleans to Ontario. Also known as the snail carp and the Chinese roach, the black carp is a bottom-sucking ogre that can grow five feet long and up to 150 pounds. It gorges on mollusks — including parasite-infested ram's horn snails, which can populate ponds and infect the catfish with wormy yellow grubs. Teeth in the back of its throat grind up its prey like garbage disposals.
Ky. Plant Cited for Bathroom Policy
Disturbing American Search Requests
CNN.com - Sticky gecko toes have little hairs to thank - August 27, 2002
Sony ejects Betamax at long last - Tech News - CNET.com
Cramer says area outlook good with funding for missile defense
"It's been a good year for defense appropriations and therefore a good year for Huntsville, according to U.S. Rep. Bud Cramer, who gave some 500 lunch guests in his hometown a Washington update Monday.
Sept. 11 convinced many in Congress that more money is needed for missile programs like those based here, said Cramer, D-Huntsville. "The missile-defense budget for 2003 looks very good."
CNN.com - Egypt fears division of Sudan - August 27, 2002
Greene County students boycott classes
Vance will build Mercedes combo
Mercedes showed an experimental version of the sports tourer at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit in January. That version seated six passengers, and had electronic four-wheel drive, 22-inch wheels and a 360-horsepower V8 engine.
Egypt Warns Against Attack on Iraq
CBS News | More Than Shoppers Bargained For | August 27, 2002 09:25:48
ABCNEWS.com : Man Missing Since 9/11 Found Alive
Emus eat feed, fruit and insects
NEWS.com.au | Nuns 'raped orphans': Bulletin (August 27, 2002)
Governments agree to end overfishing
The World Summit has agreed to end the overfishing of the planet's oceans by 2015. The agreement, which has potentially far-reaching implications for fishing fleets and marine biodiversity round the world, was among the first concrete deals negotiated by national delegations in Johannesburg. The UK delegation is claiming to have masterminded the conservation pact, pushing it through the European Union, which won approval from summit negotiators.
Environmentalists welcomed the agreements, but say they would have preferred a deal that emphasised conservation, rather than maximising the yields of fishing fleets.
Caffeine, Tea Compound May Reduce Skin Cancer Risk
Great Moments In Headline Writing
CNN.com - Source: WH aides say Bush can hit Iraq - August 26, 2002
CNN.com - Man jailed for 17 years exonerated of 1984 rape, murder - August 26, 2002
Mercury News | 08/26/2002 | Corel gets WordPerfect pact for HP Pavilion desktop PCs
Shares of Corel were at 87 cents late Monday morning on the Nasdaq Stock Market, up 12 cents, or 16 percent, on heavy volume.
Police Chase Stolen Forklift
America's War on 'Frankenfish'
Fish to benefit from purchase of 2 power plants
The Nando Times: Delaware compiles future suspects list
Ananova - Survey shows world's reefs at risk
Riley: Tax woes not a relevant campaign issue
Captain Euro and the Unrepentent Unilateralists
ABCNEWS.com : Wall Street Worries About Iraq War Cost
Reuters Wire | 08/26/2002 | Jailed Palestinian Militant Chief on Hunger Strike
Banks believes justice will come
Your Tax Dollars At Work
More Disturbing Search Requests
Disturbing Spanish Search Requests
Mercury News | 08/25/2002 | `X-File fish' that can walk on the loose
AP Wire | 08/24/2002 | Disney Salmonella Outbreak Probed
Politics and 'Star Trek' mix in Ohio governor's race