Friday, June 02, 2006

You've likely seen this already

When I was a young boy, I used to watch the original Star Trek and think, "Captain Kirk is so cool."

Over time, I came to realize that this was in fact incorrect, that William Shatner was and is a colossal ham and started to be embarrassed by the whole thing.

Over the last couple of years, however, I have come to a new realization: Captain Kirk is so cool.


King seeks full term, cites support of victims

Let's face it, the only reason Troy King wants to be AG is so he can execute people. He'd be just as happy if they'd give him a job at the prison where he gets to push the plunger.

Of course she does

Baxley claims significant lead over rival Siegelman

Considering that's what the polls say. Hopefully, the polls are right, but Siegelman's getting all this free advertising for being on trial and all. I have this nightmare where he wins, then he's convicted and sent to Talladega, but is still allowed to run as the Democratic nominee.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

This makes lots of sense

New York Daily News - Home - Feds to city: drop dead

I mean, who really thinks that al-Qaeda is going to attack New York? We need to protect Louisville and Omaha.

Won't work, but nice try

AmSouth sued over merger

It's a shareholder lawsuit claiming that the merger is unfair because Regions shareholders will benefit more than AmSouth shareholders. This is probably true. However, mergers keep happening even when they're not good for shareholders.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Darn those volunteers!

Siegelman campaign e-mails inaccurate info

The Siegelman campaign wouldn't lie. It's all the doing of those irresponsible volunteers, who claimed that a lead prosecutor in the case against him was hired by Republicans. Actually he was hired by Democrats -- including one who's now a member of the Siegelman defense team. Oops!

Shocking, I know

Immigration issues get hateful

I mean, most anti-immigration people don't hate Hispanics. Really, they don't -- that's what they all say, and they seem so honest. It's so horrible to contemplate that they'd vandalize a church. Or that the Klan is seeing a membership rise because of immigration.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Cue Santayana The Shame Of Kilo Company -- Jun. 5, 2006 -- Page 1

I didn't want to believe this happened, but it's increasingly clear that the Iraq War now has its My Lai.

Oh no, invisible voters!

Ex-justice counts on unseen voters

Roy Moore feels confident that he has the invisible vote sewn up, but they always have trouble getting poll workers to give them ballots.

Oh no, a golem!

Clay man seeks funds to rescue historic site

Give him whatever he wants!