Five millionaires on Supreme Court bench
Ginsburg is worth the most, Thomas probably the least. And Scalia still wants to be able to make more money giving speeches.
The warmonger with a heart.
Five millionaires on Supreme Court bench
Khobar Towers Suspects Sentenced (
Birmingham News Endorsements For Congress | Sports | SENEGAL 1, FRANCE 0
I'd like to thank Dan Hartung and Armed Liberal for the links; I hope I can continue to do good work here and not disappoint them.
Military Disparity Adds to Uncertainty (
T Lurksalot of Another Low Beyond Outpost thinks that the leadership in India and Pakistan is responsible enough to stay out of a full-scale nuclear exchange, and that if nukes are used the two sides will stay at a low level, with sub-kiloton tactical weapons. I hope he's right, but I have two problems. One is that I'm not as sure as I once was that Musharraf is that responsible; he certainly isn't doing as much as he could to stay out of a war Pakistan will certainly lose. Second, I'm afraid that once the genie is out of the bottle and low-yield atomics are in play, both sides will be more willing to use the big bombs -- especially if they think they can take out the other side's atomic capability with a first strike. - Castro: 'Don't be foolish, Mr. W' - June 1, 2002
Ananova - Musharraf dismisses nuclear fears
"We've called for a no-war pact with India, that there shouldn't be any war," he said. "We've called for de-nuclearization of South Asia, so we've called for reduction of forces."
The Nando Times: Researchers announce experimental anthrax antidote
The Nando Times: New parrot species found in Brazil
It's a 'very, very bad' day for French fans in S.F.
Braves Journal
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Kashmiri civilians no longer feel safe
If all my professors in law school had graded like Eugene Volokh, I'd probably be a lawyer now. So, good thing they didn't, I guess.
Fun with Referrer Logs
Possumblog has the details on the emergence of anti-Semitism in the Hilliard-Davis congressional race. I was afraid of this. Davis has been getting money from Jewish organizations, and (according to this) Hilliard (who once paid a visit on Qadafi) got contributions from an Arab-American PAC and from James Zogby. The campaign has turned into yet another proxy war between pro- and anti-Israeli groups.
‘Beer Games’ a network headache
You know how whenever there's a hurricane, the TV news people always find somebody who's not afraid and who plans to wait it out like it's a summer shower? Remember the guy who lived on Mount St. Helens and wouldn't leave, even though the earty beneath his house was getting ready to explode? Not to mention the TV people themselves, who think they're invulnerable.
``It's hard to believe anything would really happen,'' said Barbara Richard, who acknowledged war worries prompted her to push up her travel plans by two weeks out of concern for her children, aged 12, 10 and 4.
Richard, a Washington native, said that without the kids, she'd be fine staying here with her husband, who works in India for a multinational corporation.
``Maybe that's stupid,'' she said. ``Maybe that's naive. I've never been in a war. I don't see anything coming, but what about the Jews in Germany in the 1930s? Some of them said they saw something coming and they didn't get out."
If your dns hasn't caught up yet, this will take you to Daily Pundit, who has gotten himself a new look for his birthday. And it's very snazzy.
Diana Ross Checks Into Rehab Center ( - Ruling party wins Algeria election - May 31, 2002
Department of the Obvious
Appeals Court Overturns Law Blocking Sex-Site Access
Federal judges strike down Internet porn law
Laurence Simon is at it again, with the 2,042-year-old man. He's just asking for a fatwa. FYI, Larry: water, a fine spray. MLB - Numbers reveal teams not nearing bankruptcy At Harvard, Jousting Over 'Jihad' U.S. Backs District Gun Law In Court
Senegal Tops France in Cup Opener
U.S. to warn bitter rivals of war's peril
Dollars for dome
Great Moments in Headline Writing
Bushs Allgemeinbildung: Gibt es Schwarze in Brasilien? - Panorama - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ashcroft Removes Evidence Hurdle for FBI (
New Justice Department guidelines unveiled today give FBI agents latitude to monitor Internet sites, libraries and religious institutions without first having to offer evidence of potential criminal activity, Attorney General John D. Ashcroft announced at an afternoon press conference.
Fun with referrer logs
Diplomats Are Flocking to Israel, but No Peace Plan Seems in Sight
Bush Sending Rumsfeld to Ease Tensions of India and Pakistan
TNR Online | Defense Secretary
The American Times : A Modern Magazine
Loyalists in the American Revolution
Comparing India and Pakistan’s strategic nuclear weapon capabilities - Jane's International Security News
It remains to be seen how Miller will fare overseas if South African Breweries decides to export the beer, though it could be a refreshing change from some local brews — like Chibuku, a kind of beer similar to a lumpy yogurt shake with alcohol that South African Breweries sells in Zambia and some nearby nations.
Candidate Flowers charged with assault
Blogrolling Department
Barlow has been missing (remember, you can't spell AWOL...) most of the week, but he's back with a couple of doozies today. I particularly appreciated his opinion (which matches mine) on the Rehnquist Court:
Forget all the talk about what the guiding philosophy is of this court. It's simply a conservative court. One with no regard for the law.
See, this is why I don't normally link Samizdata. Perry de Haviland admits he's opposed to democracy.
U.S. May Buy Back Florida Oil Rights
Americans Playing in Israel Face Their Fears
Faulkner was a regular at a coffee shop that was the site of a bombing. "In Israel, you don't have to deal with random violence like you do here. A guy will walk up to you at home and stick you up for no reason. That doesn't happen in Israel. You never have to worry about someone robbing you because you have a little money in your pocket." - Networks prepare papal death coverage
GOP rivals in squabble over gaming
John Giles, state president of the Christian Coalition, confirmed today that Riley, during his three congressional terms, has earned a perfect score with the coalition on "gambling, abortion and other pro-family issues."
James attempted to tie some of that money to a $360,000 contribution the Republican National Congressional Committee gave Riley late last year. "My question to Bob is this: Did any of that $360,000 come from gaming interests?"
Azbell said Tuesday night that Riley didn't intend to claim the bill passed, which it failed to do, but that he only worked with Robertson "to pass it."
Alabama No. 12 as toxic polluter
Incomes Hit $100,000 For 1 in 4 Households (
But the census also tells a tale of troubling growth in poverty, which went up in a dozen of the region's 20 cities and counties. In some communities, there were increases in people without a ninth-grade education, in crowded homes and in households spending more than one-third of their incomes on mortgage payments.
More link reordering (I am anal) and a new region, the Texas Regional (because Texas is undefinable by mere regionalism). And I stuck a bunch of people into the Midwest who may or may not be midwestern. If you want to complain, feel free. I'd be honored -- at least someone is reading.
The Miami Herald | 05/29/2002 | Public schools' FCAT results in Dade even with charters'
Brian Williams Succeeding Tom Brokaw in 2004 as NBC 'Nightly News' Anchor (
Gwinnett principal blasted for denying graduation walk
More fun with referrer logs.
You could tell they were falling in love...
Group plans suit to halt Jefferson's supersewer
Turnabout is Fair Play
Sept. 11 prediction: Sheik told mosque leader
Joe Klein's European Listening Tour By Joe Klein
NBC's Tom Brokaw To Bow Out With 2004 Elections ( - FBI 'Carnivore' glitch hurt al Qaeda probe - May 29, 2002
Libya Offers $2.7 Billion to Families of Pan Am Victims
Fun with referrer logs
New Arafat Potato Chips Hit Stores
Cold War in a Hot Climate By Anne Applebaum
1) India and Pakistan share a common border, along which minor conflagrations might easily turn into a major war—indeed, there has been shelling across the border for some days now. The United States and the USSR did not.
In fact, even though the United States and the USSR did not have a common border, NATO and the Warsaw pact shared many common borders, along which there were many minor conflagrations, some of which seemed, at the time, just as likely to develop into nuclear war—the construction of the Berlin Wall and the Berlin airlift, for example.
Israel Arrests Senior Militant After Suicide Bombing
Did you know that there is an Official Alabama Renaissance Faire? Yes, really! There's lots of other silly stuff, but a Renfest?
Centers of attention: As TVs get bigger, furniture to hold them follows closely behind
Everyone's favorite wacko blogger introduces: Ragnet. A strong letter from the Council on American-Islamic Relations to follow.
Accounts Suggest Captain Blacked Out
Taliban and Qaeda Believed Plotting Within Pakistan
Pakistan Vows Its 'Full Might' if a War Comes
Electric trains possible for area
Bus service was highly touted in the study for the southwest corridor because of the number of people who depend on buses for transportation. - Klez.H 'becomes biggest virus' - May 27, 2002 - Cloning to revive extinct species - May 28, 2002
ScienceDaily Magazine -- Dietary Component Kills Bacterial Cause Of Ulcers And Stomach Cancer
NATO Welcomes Russia as Junior Partner
Yahoo! Search Results for arabic beauty women dirty pics - Musharraf: Threat of war remains - May 27, 2002
France/U.S.: Bush Visit Unlikely To Lessen French Anti-Americanism
46 Die in Bus Accident in India
Jacob Shwirtz of Fuzzy Blogic talked to Michael Moore at Cannes. Says he was "a pretty cool guy", and has a new webmaster.
Bomb Explodes at Israeli Mall
Via Oliver Willis comes word that Britney Spears will play a vampire in six episodes of Buffy next season. I really don't know how I feel about this. At the least, I hope she isn't next season's primary villain. I guess it will be good for ratings, but Cristina Aguilera already is a vampire, so she'd be better casting.
Venezuelan coup leader given asylum
US anti-abortionist agrees to extradition
Faster Politics III - Coming soon: Mid-October conventions? By Mickey Kaus
No Longer a Suspect, But Still a Detainee (
State Seoul-searching for jobs
Man Who Killed at 17 Is Scheduled to Die
Colombians elect hard-liner Uribe
Pakistan expects Iranian support in war
Husain drew a parallel between ‘Indian aggressions’ against Pakistan and Israel’s repression of the Palestinian intifada, which Iran supports.
‘There is a striking similarity between the policy being pursued by Israel to suppress the Palestinian freedom movement and the Indian policy to crush the Kashmiri freedom struggle.
However, this similarity is not surprising considering the close military cooperation between India and Israel. - Report: chimps used simple tools 5 million years ago - May 23, 2002 - Crowd attacks, kills New Orleans teen - May 26, 2002 - Dozens hurt in D.C. concert stampede - May 26, 2002
The Nando Times: Iran confirms it tested ballistic missile
Musharraf Says Raids In Kashmir Have Ended (
Only the United States, Musharraf said, can help. "They must help. They can bring normalcy here. They must resolve this dispute. And they must ensure balance in the region."