Saturday, March 24, 2007

Spring has been cancelled

We are going directly to summer. It is 87 degrees outside at solar noon. On March 24.


Friday, March 23, 2007

They also love the nightlife

Jeffco supports nightlife district

The county commission voted to "encourage" the Civic Center board to partner up with the Beale Street people to build an "entertainment district", whatever that is. They're still bickering about the Birmingdome, however.

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They're a Fox affiliate, that's for sure

MyFox Birmingham | Body Found Hanging From Tree in Bessemer

Because, apparently, they have footage.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I can't imagine why he'd run away NewsFlash - Search on for Iraqi colonel missing at Air Force base in Alabama

I mean, things in Iraq are going so well! But that ungrateful colonel -- who must have learned nothing from the leadership course he was taking in Montgomery -- and his family have vamoosed, leaving a note saying that he didn't want to return to Iraq.


Edwards to suspend campaign - Or Not

John Edwards for President

I know this is pretty callous of me... How much does this hurt his campaign? I mean, it's nine months until the primaries. Good gosh, you'd think that there would be time to recover, but he was already running in third place.

UPDATE: He says that the campaign will go on. Jumped the gun, I did.


Blonds have less fun

Japan diplomat: Blonds 'no good' in Mideast talks -

So this guy, he's the foreign minister. It's kind of like if Bush appointed John Bolton Secretary of State.

"Japanese are trusted. If (you have) blue eyes and blond hair, it's probably no good," he said.

"Luckily, we Japanese have yellow faces."

Um... Here is our Secretary of State:

She's not exactly blond and blue-eyed.



TVA says drought tops 117-year record

The driest winter in the Tennessee Valley since record-keeping began, says the Tennessee Valley Authority. It wasn't as bad in the Birmingham area, only the driest January and February since 1986.

Anyway, this is a big problem because it reduces the amount of electricity TVA dams can generate by half.


Did I really hear this on the radio?

Tony Snow: "Do you want to talk to Karl Rove or do you want the truth?"

Seriously, did he really say something like that?


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This isn't normal, is it?

Feuding families call truce

I mean, do other people open their morning paper and see that the lead story is about Hatfield-McCoy style feuding? Though it appears that nobody's died from this.

I love the nightlife

Nightlife plans won't hinge on new arena

I don't really get these "downtown renovation" projects, or "entertainment districts", or whatever. It seems to me that just because something works in a famous area like Memphis' Beale Street doesn't mean it will in Birmingham's unfamous downtown area.

Meanwhile, Carol Hatcher and her builders are still hanging around, complaining that they aren't being taken seriously just because they won't say where the money is from.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What a crybaby

Searchers find Boy Scout weak but OK -
"'It took him a minute to realize we were there for him,' she said. Asked how Michael reacted when he saw the rescuers, Marshall recalled Michael saying, ' 'I'm hungry, give me some water,' stuff like that.'"
Jeez, Michael, a Boy Scout is "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent." I don't see anything in there about "whiny". Baby.

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Might as well start somewhere

Lawmakers could earn more than peers

I suppose Alabama should be first in something. Last in education, last in economic development... first in legislator pay.

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Seems sensible enough

Langford's idea could revive hope for hospital

Larry Langford wants the county to lease unused beds from Cooper Green ("Indigent Patients Check In, But They Don't Check Out") to the digital hospital out on 280, which isn't licensed to operate any. I don't see anything insane about this, but since it's Langford I assume there's something.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Give War A Chance NewsFlash - Bush pleads for patience in Iraq war

Everybody's talking 'bout
Resolutions Revolution Observation
Infiltration Detonation Investigation
Mediation United Nations Commiseration
All I am saying,
Is give war a chance!


Come exploit us, Wal-Mart!

With population near 10,000, Calera seeks big-box stores

Jeez, the city of Calera actually commissioned a study to show that the Census Bureau underestimated their population in order to draw "big box" stores to the community. I guess wages weren't low enough or something.

Because big-box retailers extend a community's trading area, Robicheaux said, it's not surprising Calera is aggressively seeking to attract them.

"People would drive from 30 miles outside of Calera to come to a Home Depot or a Wal-Mart," Robicheaux said.

But... but... I thought that the whole point was to show that there were enough people in Calera to support a Wal-Mart already.


The choice is clear

Who will lead Auburn?

A divided university seeks a new president, its third in 39 months. Controversy swirls. Only one man has the standing, and the affection of the Auburn and statewide community, to fill this role. Yes, his academic record was spotty, and this would be at best a lateral move. Yes, his goals in life are somewhat higher. But the time is now for Auburn to reach out to its most illustrious alumnus.

Charles Barkley, your alma mater needs you.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Here's a rule for you guys

Company offers few details; search raises hopes in Alberta

If your hope centers on Wal-Mart, you're in trouble. Alberta is in trouble.