Former Reds owner in Jewish Hospital
Palestinians are one thing, but Marge "Hitler was good in the beginning" Schott?
The warmonger with a heart.
Former Reds owner in Jewish Hospital
Indian jailed for smuggling tortoises :
Wildlife extinction rate down dramatically: UN
Indonesia's rich keeping endangered pets
Got a blog?
A little spray to keep the mosquitos away
Gas station owner's suit against OPEC dismissed
Prewitt contended in his suit that the group manipulates oil prices around the world.
Required abortion booklet expected to stir controversy
Tim Burton to film 'Big Fish' novel
Daniel Wallace, a native of Birmingham, says he's thrilled that a movie based on his novel, Big Fish, will be shot in his home state.
The Nando Times: U.S. seeking to cut peacekeepers patrolling Sinai
The Nando Times: Seeking EU entry, Turkish lawmakers abolish death penalty
The Nando Times: Uruguay police deployed to deter looting amid bank closure
Powell Still Plans to Meet Palestinians People | Bill Moyers vows to contest DUI charge
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | The writing on the wall
Feisty 'frankenfish' now fugitive in N.Y.
Reuters AlertNet - Israel retaliates for university bombing
Jackson Previews Rings
Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson told Cinescape Online that the upcoming sequels, The Two Towers and The Return of the King, will take the story into darker territory.
Four die in Louisiana outbreak of West Nile virus; governor declares emergency
Okay, I seem to have an enemy. I'm not sure why, but someone has taken to insulting me in the comments on both of my sites. (He also checks my site more regularly than anyone, and spends a lot of time here.) I've banned his IP from the comments. I don't like doing that, but I like personal insults even less. I've never posted a comments policy, but it's pretty simple. Use your common sense, and don't insult me or other posters, and keep it at least PG-13.
Suspects moved to cells with arrows pointing to Mecca - Dallas schools sued over religious e-mail - August 2, 2002 - Week-old girl raped in S. Africa - July 30, 2002
McKinney, Majette are in tight race in 4th - Florida gets tough on sea turtle poachers - August 2, 2002
Shelby wants Iraq attack
WASHINGTON An American military strike against Iraq is inevitable and should not wait for further provocation, an international consensus or this fall's elections, U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby said Thursday. Anti-Killing Rally in N. Ireland
Campus attack could further deter U.S. Jewish students from visiting Israel MLB - Bowden apologizes for comparing strike to 9/11 - Holy Mother with a media empire
Planet Ark : Atlantic sharks coming closer to shore - researchers
Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Greenpeace, Bush Team Up in Fight Biden: U.S. Must Consider Effects of Ousting Hussein
Yahoo! News - Ted Turner in S.C. Land Fight
AP Wire | 08/01/2002 | Powell Defends Talks With N. Korea
You may have computer bugs - real ones
Grossed-out technicians reported finding mice - live ones and dead ones - as well as bugs, marijuana and cash stashed inside computers.
Sessions-Kennedy bill on prison rape hailed
Big Brothers Big Sisters loses Dobson support - Look at what Traficant swept under the rug - August 1, 2002 - No Israeli massacre at Jenin, U.N. concludes - August 1, 2002 Economic Crisis Swells in S. America
Google Search: tupperware offices, kolkata / Latest News / Business / Proposed listing of beluga sturgeon as endangered species would make beluga caviar illegal
Barbecuing the Enemy
Palestinians Gather in Gaza In Support of Jerusalem Bombing News | Florida manatee refuges at stake
Chuck Underwood, a Fish and Wildlife Service spokesman in Jacksonville, Fla., said once a plan is issued in November -- one month earlier than the government planned -- it would take six months to actually create more refuges. But the agency will not necessarily agree to create all 14, he said.
"We may do all of them or only some of them," Underwood said.
Ananova - Scientist proves dogs can count
Man arrested after alleged carjacking
Aquarium fish threat to environment
For more information on proper disposal of aquarium plants and animals, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to "Aquarium Hobbyists," c/o Auburn University Marine Extension and Research Center, 4170 Commanders Drive, Mobile, AL 36615.
Lodging tax clears after debate
"We have to expand the Civic Center whether it's a dome or a big room," said Councilman Elias Hendricks.
4 juveniles arrested in Goldwire fire cases
Heat, mosquitoes, put city fifth on Lanacane's itch list
New plan to rescue ancient Stonehenge from the clutter of the modern world
Terror bombing kills 7, wounds 86 at Jerusalem university
The Nando Times: North Korean foreign minister meets with U.S. Secretary of State
Larry is gonna get it for this one. BTW, if the lightning bolts don't get you, a little warning next time? I just cleaned my monitor. | Giant squid 'taking over world' (July 31, 2002)
Planet Ark : Japan cuts price of whale meat from hunts - report
Saint Canonized in Guatemala
The Village Voice: Features: Richard Goldstein: On Being Called a Commie
Mets Online - Your Information Source for the New York Mets - Sources: Bodyguard capture may mean bin Laden died - July 30, 2002
alDrug testing may be expanded
Shooting blamed on father-son fight
IOL : Absurd legal system makes flirting illegal - Fleeing males, manatees beach in Florida - July 30, 2002
Chicago Tribune | Alderman warns of ravenous walking fish
Traficant sentenced to 8 years in prison for taking bribes Hizbul rejects Powell's plea on J&K election - U.S. won't block Spann's father's testimony - July 29, 2002
Ananova - Angler attracts fish with Eminem on ghetto-blaster
ScienceDaily Magazine -- Sex Genes Of Fish Disrupted By Common Household Products
Morrocan party accuses US of supporting Israel in attack on Palestinians
Funerals begin for two brothers killed in W. Bank shooting
blog*spot internal error page Politics | Texas governor ties rival to drug money
2 workers slain at South Fulton Library
Dog meat to go; ready for the microwave
Asteroid Collision Ruled Out India vitiating peace, security in South Asia: Musharraf
Slipknot to throw animal entrails into Glasgow festival crowd - NME.COM | Supersonic rocket test (July 29, 2002)
Lobster colour-change mystery solved
Trade dispute "spells death for Dutch pigs"
Springsteen band to play 'Letterman' twice - Budget Group files for bankruptcy
Ananova - Bin Laden's son 'in charge of al-Qaida since October'
Ananova - Ancient Buddhist city uncovered in Afghanistan
Ananova - Zimbabwe to prosecute over Mrs Mugabe and bin Laden link
Bangkok Post Tuesday 30 July 2002 - `Pla ra' cleared of foul charge
Public health permanent secretary Vinai Viriyakijja said samples of pla ra, or fermented fish, had been examined and found to be free of contamination.
Mosquito spraying gets off the ground
Newly ousted Middelhoff mulls AOL offer - Tech News -
The Nando Times: Unusual project studies effects of wastewater on fish
CBS News | Monster Hunter
I'm adding Scott Rosenberg's Links & Comment to the blogroll. I'm disturbed that he seems to only link Salon blogs, (and a few outside news stories) but I guess that's his job. Oh, and that's a really memorable url they've come up with. Are they expecting ten million blogs? Never let it be said that Salon doesn't aim high.
Paranormal beliefs linked to brain chemistry
Psychics to be put to the test in experiment
"If this study proves successful, it would mean we would be able to predict disasters such as plane crashes and accidents. You might even be able to win the Lotto."
Troubled Goldwire Apartments burn for eighth time in days; cause sought
Bus station may gain museum status
NWHC: Wildlife Species Affected by West Nile Virus | Opinion | Bastes like chicken! Malaria Undermines Performance
Since worms and poor diet can cause anaemia, deworm your child every three months also.
State: Leaping sturgeon become boating hazard - Professor jailed in Egypt image case - July 29, 2002
The Miami Herald | 07/27/2002 | DCF aide is found drunk, cops say
Blood-suckers give something back - JULY 29, 2002
AP Wire | 07/28/2002 | West Nile virus now found in mosquitoes around St. Louis
IOL : Exotic fish chart warming ocean
Mercury News | 07/26/2002 | Congressional bill would benefit small Webcasters - Stem cells grow eye blood vessels
Coke reportedly plans diet version of Vanilla Coke
Arabs boycott U.S. goods over Mideast policies, but critics say Arab businesses are hurt
Your Tax Dollars At Work Department
Yelas reels in BASS victory
AP Wire | 07/28/2002 | Singaporeans Love Snakehead Fish
AP Wire | 07/28/2002 | Sen. Lieberman assails Bush demand
The Nando Times: Palm seeking a reverse stock split
Pope says sexual abuse by 'some' priests causes 'sadness and shame'