Damian makes it clear: If the attacks in the Washington area were carried out by a white supremacist for political reasons, they were still terrorism. Right on.
The warmonger with a heart.
Damian makes it clear: If the attacks in the Washington area were carried out by a white supremacist for political reasons, they were still terrorism. Right on.
CNN.com - CIA: Iraq could have nuclear weapon in a year - Oct. 5, 2002
CNN.com - Bush considers action in port dispute - Oct. 5, 2002
CNN.com - No hate crime charges in attack on gay man - Oct. 4, 2002
From the Ichthypundit
First California condor born in the wild in years is found dead
ESPN.com - GOLF - Citigroup chair favors women members at Augusta
Activists say environmental issues missing from campaigns
Italy Arrests Egyptians for U.S. War Cemetery Plot
Name McKinney victor, crossover voting suit asks
Salon.com News | Feds bust Oregon terror cell
From the Ichthypundit
Honoring Harper Lee
Army e-mail author reassigned
Different fixes seen for constitution
Ananova - India test-fires missile after Pakistan launch
Extremely Disturbing German Search Requests
Serious Fun With Google News
Fun With Referrer Logs
Chinese consumers boost illegal ivory trade
Ananova - Nepalese king sacks his government
ESPN.com: MLB - Expos discuss playing some 'home' games in Puerto Rico
Washington briefs Israeli team about plans for Iraq war
washingtonpost.com: Internet Problems Tied to WorldCom's UUNet Unit
Fencing Club slates tournament
CNN.com - Farming, logging, development affect climate, too - Oct. 3, 2002
Fun With Google News
Fun With Referrer Logs
nbc13.com - News - Police Raid Adult Store, Seize Tapes, Toys, Magazines
Fun With Misleading Names of Small Towns in Northern Alabama
Yahoo! News - Gwyneth Paltrow's Father Bruce Dies in Rome
Jason Giambi, Flop - What's wrong with the Yankees' $17 million slugger? By Hugo Lindgren
Ted Barlow has emerged from hiding long enough to point out a little GOP hypocrisy. What are the odds?
Fox Press Release
USATODAY.com - A homeless guy finds a refuge on the Internet
Suspect in Atlanta patrol car pulls gun, orders officer out and makes his getaway
From the Ichthypundit
Australia investigates atrocity claims against its peacekeepers in East Timor
New Scientist: World's funniest joke revealed
France and Germany Agree on Iraq
Few ads likely as Bachus faces Libertarian
Two shot teens found in school parking lot
news.telegraph.co.uk - Cannabis cafe man faces jail sentence
The operator of Britain's first cannabis cafe is facing imprisonment after being convicted of involvement in the importation and supply of drugs.
Planet Ark : Toxins put Arctic polar bears and humans at risk
United Press International: Alleged shoebomber changes plea
And another thing. When Jim Jeffords was getting ready to leave the GOP, the Senate Republicans kept talking about the "will of the voters" and how he shouldn't be allowed to do that -- even though legislators have been doing that through the history of the Republic, and there are at least three Republican members of the Senate who were originally elected as Democrats.
United Press International: GOP battles Dems on Torricelli ballot
Comedian leaves sitcom behind
USS Clueless - Fantasy and Science Fiction
Disturbing Search Requests
Two high school students wounded in shooting
UPS sues to stop unwanted 'pop-up' ads on Web site
I'm sick of explaining why "Scientific Creationism" isn't science, and why the Genesis account(s) of creation cannot be reconciled with what actually happened. So I'll let A Skeptical Blog handle it.
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | US rejects Ukraine radar inquiry
CNN.com - High-rise escape chute demonstrated - Oct. 1, 2002
ScienceDaily Magazine -- Not All Mammals Vomit -- Or How To Study Emesis In Mice
Kincaid's use of curse word fuels more council tensions
Moore's lawyers want new judge in monument lawsuit
Two dead, including American, in blast in Philippines
France says will lift ban on British beef
From the Ichthypundit
Ananova - Val Kilmer and Lisa Kudrow set for film about porn star
Mann, Barenaked Ladies To Rock 'West Wing'
Fun with Google News
Saddam Hussein Has Destroyed 90 Percent of Iraq’s Wetlands Heritage
The Fat Guy has the story of the dolphins off San Diego, who are resistant to a strain of anthrax... meaning that at some point they've been exposed to it. Nobody knows how. And it should be on Ichthypundit (yes, they're mammals, but the Ichthypundit covers all aquatic animals) but I missed it.
Ananova - Ozone hole has shrunk - scientists
Unusual German Search Requests
He's Very Clean
I was going to try and take down some of the overheated anti-Democrat rhetoric from the Blogospheric Right ("They're traitors! They hate America! Al Gore should be shot!") but frankly I don't really enjoy doing that sort of thing. Thankfully, Greg Greene does, and he's done a good job of it. He also points to an old Suck article (Is there any other kind now? Sigh.) on Dick Cheney's military thought. Yikes.
Shelby: Foreign centers shouldn't work on state food stamp program
Israeli diplomat compares Saddam threat to al-Qaida
Ethics a key issue in race for governor
Meryl looks at the UN's Israel obsession . During its existence, about 15 percent of the Security Council's resolutions have dealt with Israel. Yeah, I think they're obsessed.
Newborn tale false: 'Hero' may be baby's dad
No hard feelings over siege, U.S. officials say
I'm used to the glitched-up referrals. I know sometimes I get a record of someone coming from a page that doesn't actually have a link, and I have some idea why. (Please don't explain further.)
When marriage can wait, but intimacy can’t
TLC inducted into Georgia Music Hall of Fame
News From the Pre-Columbian Era
AP Wire | 09/30/2002 | No execution sought in N.J. shootings
The New Yorker's Critic At Large reviews Stephen Jay Gould's life and work, including his last books.
Scientific American: There's No Stopping Them
allAfrica.com -- Kenya: Villagers Lynch Suspected Witch, Torch Ten Houses
Fallen Christian puts faith in the law - smh.com.au
Yahoo! News - TNT Goes to Hoop with Charles Barkley Talk Show
Yahoo! News - Hammer, Emmanuel Lewis, Neil Bring 'Surreal' Appeal
Deer pose rising threat to drivers
You think that's weird? I had a dream last night -- well, technically this morning -- about bicycling around my high school. Leaving aside that I graduated 13 years ago and the building has been torn down, I can't even ride a bicycle.
albawaba.com: Saudi authorities say blast in Riyadh not terrorist attack
"There are no terror attacks against foreigners in our country. They (foreigners) are well looked after," Saudi intelligence chief Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz told the local Al-Jazirah newspaper.
Their relationship, he told CNN, was "the kind of relationship any good Muslim should have with another."
Israeli Media Criticize Siege Pullback
CNN.com - Record labels seek OK for P2P sabotage - Sep. 27, 2002
CNN.com - Israel leaves Arafat compound - Sep. 29, 2002
Serbians Vote in Presidential Election Marked by Apathy
Siegelman, Riley differ in pursuit of fair taxes
Tensions at South Fulton library boiled over into tragedy