- Tiny flying robots: Future masters of espionage - July 27, 2002
I don't know if James Bond will be as cool when he's a tiny flying robot.
The warmonger with a heart. - Tiny flying robots: Future masters of espionage - July 27, 2002
Klan won't hold march in Butler
Doctor with Mobile ties finds HIV, skin cancer link
DA's office receives crime gun funding
West Nile infects 12 in southern United States - 7/26/2002 -
West Nile virus has sickened 12 people in the United States — all but one of them in Louisiana — as it takes a permanent hold in parts of the southeast, federal health officials said Thursday.
Herpes virus sparks warning: Cook fish well - JULY 28, 2002 - Scientists seek poison to cull Frankenfish
Arafat Disappointed With Resolution (
The Nando Times: Hawaii lava flow draws thousands of spectators - N.J. priests arrested in Canadian sex case. - July 27, 2002 Gone Fission: The 'Nuclear' Worm
Order Pizza Online at Papa Johns Pizza.
No human infections reported so far in state
Marshall welding solution for shuttles
Ananova - Soldier claims witchcraft put fish hook in his stomach
Dozens of dead pigeons found near Parkway; toxin suspected Md. War On Fish Just Might Get Ugly
Experts recommended this process: Spray glyphosate (also known as Rodeo and Roundup) on the water to kill floating vegetation. Pump diquat dibromide (Reglone or Reward) or 2,4-D (a widely used herbicide) into the water to kill underwater plants.
Then wait. Within several days, the plants will start to turn brown. Within a week or two, the vegetation will die and sink to the bottom of the pond. Native fish will begin dying as well, as the oxygen drains from the pond.
Within two weeks, crews ought to be ready to douse the pond with rotenone, working their way in boats from from the edges of the pond toward the middle, giving the fish no avenue of escape.
Reuters Wire | 07/27/2002 | Iran Leader Says Would Make U.S. Regret Any Attack
Ananova - Zimbabwe threatens to ban some British officials
Can Meryl Yourish conquer her summer cold and post 48 times in 24 hours?
'Start fishing for the snakehead to save nature' - JULY 27, 2002
For Rob Lowe, these are the good old days
IOL : Horror 'walking razor fish' has healing hand
He said it fights back when being harvested. If the fish strikes a person on the face or chest, it could cause some bleeding but the wound is not likely to be serious, he added.
"It doesn't attack humans unless it's hungry and you fall into the pond," Koh was quoted as saying.
Ashcroft weighs Spann request
"I heard President Bush say that we were not going to negotiate with terrorists and in fact I say we've done that," Spann said. "This is a slap in the face to not only Mike and his family but to every other American who died in Afghanistan and the people who died on Sept. 11."
Conservative group says its process server was threatened with arrest when he tried to serve Cheney
Drug agents descend on 2 counties' marijuana
Drug agents launched a two-day assault Thursday on marijuana growers in Jefferson and Tuscaloosa counties, scouting the lucrative green plants by air and then sending in ground troops to pull and destroy.
Ananova - Hunters on trail of mere monster
The Nando Times: Jennifer Lopez files divorce papers
I'm back from the pharmacy, armed with powerful prescription anti-inflammatories. If I start hallucinating news stories, bear with me.
Rape victim ordered to take drug test
Palestinian Gunmen Kill Four Israelis in West Bank
So, remember yesterday, when I said I twisted my ankle? Turned out it's a fairly major sprain. I spent the last three hours in the grip of modern American medical care, and while luckily I don't have any new orifices and my various bodily fluids are still okay, I do have a rather large splint/cast on my ankle. Luckily, it's removable. I should be okay in a couple of weeks. Again, this will teach me to move at anything faster than a shuffle.
Gibraltar poll plan angers Britain
Rome Debates Mystery of Dead Fish in Mighty Tiber
So you're a lonely guy, somewhere in Western or Central Asia -- at any rate, in the UTC+5 time zone, which includes India and the 'Stans, and a lot of Russia. It's about midnight, so you search for "Busty Arabs". And you wind up here. Has to be a disappointment.
Frontier Justice, Department Store Style
A department store manager has been fired following allegations he recently stabbed a woman while apprehending her for shoplifting.
See, this is why I don't exercise. I was just jogging up a ramp and I twisted my ankle. Frankly, I shouldn't be allowed out of bed.
Army boss speaks at Armed Forces event today
Subcommittee gives Space Launch Initiative $729M
Is there life after death on 'Buffy'?
"As of right now, I'm really dead," a perky, very much alive Benson says between bites of a tomato, mozzarella and basil salad at Bottega Cafe. "But on `Buffy,' one minute you're dead, the next minute you're giving birth to some horrible creature."
I like Tapped, but this post is off the wall. The US isn't going to sign the land mine ban, for various reasons. I don't know if they're good or not, I go back and forth. But signing the ban wouldn't be "somewhat symbolic", but completely symbolic, and would do absolutely nothing for the people of Afghanistan, where the only places there aren't land mines are where the ones there have recently blown up. If you want a land mine ban, find another case.
South Korea investigates 'cloned embryo' claim
Consider Me Factchecked
Opposition leader questioned over threat to Mugabe
Snakeheads illustrate "invasive species" threat
Importation of the brushtail possum was banned earlier this month. A voracious marsupial, it is a carrier of bovine tuberculosis and can inflict damage on forests and native species, the Wildlife Service said. Native to Australia, 200 brushtail possums brought to New Zealand have now multiplied to 70 million and spread over 95 percent of the country.
NASA To Study Lightning Storms Using High-Flying Uninhabited Vehicle
Milosevic in "serious risk'' of heart attack, U.N. medical examination finds
Palestinian Gunmen [sic] Kill Rabbi to Avenge Israeli Strike
Feds arrest Muslim activist suspected of ties to al-Qaida
News reports say James Ujaama worked on a British Web site that advertised the "Ultimate Jihad Challenge," a paramilitary training course in the United States.
Your Tax Dollars At Work
Gunman armed with assault-style rifle
Baby girl found covered in ants
House votes to expel Traficant
'Jumping frog' wins federal habitat protection, at least for now
Test of Snakehead Poison Starts
Long tail on fossil of ancient bird suggests links to dinosaurs
Hershey Foods Exploring Sale of Company
Bush Admin. Wants Manatee Plan Nixed
Sumerian Dictionary to Decipher Ancient Texts
Suicide bombers could spread hepatitis
Bank Stocks Ignite Sharp Rally; Nasdaq Up 5%, S.&.P 500 Up 5.7%
Annan Puts Burden of More Arms Talks on Iraq
Great Moments in Headline Writing
Feds reveal new plan to fix Everglades
Interior Secretary Gale Norton issued a statement praising the proposal, saying Interior would play a ''strong leadership role.''
Endangered condors scheduled to be released in Mexico
Jury ponders case against bear researcher accused of raping colleague
Mob storms house of witch doctor in Bandra
Scientific American: Crop Circle Confession
Ben Bova: The truth is out there ... but not as far as some would like us to think
Did J. Edgar Hoover Really Wear Dresses?
Kansas City Star | 07/15/2002 | Anti-evolution conservatives plan comeback in Kansas
Good news for the Turkish economy
An Open Letter to the Republican National Committee
Diageo nears deal to sell Burger King for at least $2.1 billion
Anthrax spores found in Antarctica
Even in England, they tell stories of the Dreaded Chinese Snakehead Walking Fish of Maryland.
Weather pattern a suspect in mass squidicide
Megan Moore, 13, of Moreno Valley and her cousins from Fort Worth spent hours tearing the squid apart and feeding them to fish.
White House loses key House votes on Cuba
S.E.C. Chief Seeks Promotion; Chances Look Dim - Scientists warn of asteroid threat - July 24, 2002
Study: Ride bus, train, cut oil imports
Klan won't march in York, leader decides
Lodging tax adds to dome dollars
Ashcroft's Terrorism Policies Dismay Some Conservatives MLB - Yankees deny charge that players fixed '70s games - Horse Racing - Prince Ahmed's cousin killed en route to funeral
Ananova - Priest mauled to death by pig in well - Scientist: Sun composed mostly of iron - July 23, 2002
AP Wire | 07/23/2002 | Cheney visits nuclear sub - Florida divers pay to swim with the sharks
CBS News | Lawsuits Multiply As Animals Die | July 23, 2002 14:40:01
Great Moments in Headline Writing
Help, please!
AP Wire | 07/23/2002 | Bullfrogs Threaten English Ecosystem - Suit filed against UNC seeks to block required reading of Islamic book - July 23, 2002
Studies: Cholesterol Drugs May Cut Alzheimer Risk
Dutch judge tears up bulk mail ban
The Judge reckons that in general, spam isn't too bad a nuisance and that it's straightforward to change email ID if it becomes an issue.
Baldwin's aerial assault on mosquitoes grounded
Great Moments in Headline Writing
Kenneth Starr joins challenge to S.C. tattoo ban
Judge backs Klan's plan for parade
Since when is Montgomery an undisclosed location?
Mercury News | 07/23/2002 | Lucent posts 9th straight quarterly loss, cuts more jobs
"There is nothing in our hands but to respond with whatever power we have," said Dr. Mahmoud al-Zahar, a political leader of Hamas, who went to Shifa Hospital to identify the dead. "Every Israeli is a target now. No one will stop us from defending ourselves." Speaking by telephone, Dr. Zahar said he had seen the body parts of several children. - Aquatic aliens spawn trouble
Royalties force pioneering radio station to end webcasts - Student charged with keeping anthrax at lab - July 22, 2002
Reuters Wire | 07/22/2002 | Brazilian to Succeed Robinson as U.N. Rights Chief - Customized supercomputer wins speed race - July 22, 2002
Online Jellyfish Forecast Warns Chesapeake Swimmers
In the Chesapeake's tributaries, when conditions are right, the waters are transformed into jellyfish soup, with about 16 jellies per square meter.
Snakehead Fish Found in 7 States; U.S. to Ban Them
Snakeheads have been found in six other states: Hawaii, Florida, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, according to the Interior Department. - Scientists fret over 'alien invasion' - July 22, 2002
Yahoo! News - Ink Sales Boost Lexmark Quarterly Profits
The Nando Times: Bush seeks to reassure nervous investors Saudi Student Pleads Guilty of Lying
Mercury News | 07/22/2002 | WorldCom chief exec says bankruptcy won't affect customers - Bush holds funds for U.N. family planning - July 21, 2002
The Nando Times: Australian scientists examine giant squid
TNR Online | Bad Blood
Not crystal clear
White House Moves to Tighten Loose Lips, Stop Leaks to Media Calif. Takes Lead on Auto Emissions
No aliens, no latex in 'Firefly,' Fox's new sci-fi show
Another 'perilous day' for Fox's '24'
North Dakota Governor Visits Cuba
Lockheed Martin's embattled jet prepares for first real flight test
Ananova - 'Business as usual' as WorldCom files biggest ever bankruptcy
Ridge: U.S. considers use of military as police officers
UA tuba quartet 1st in worldwide competition
WorldCom CEO: Bankruptcy filing imminent
The Miami Herald | 07/21/2002 | In rural South, Jewish congregations are dwindling
Posse Comitatus Act Limits Armed Services at Home - Man, fearing terrorists, fires at helicopter - July 20, 2002
John Chwaszczewski, a semiretired construction worker, became alarmed when he saw the chopper swoop down over his garage, about a block from Peters' home.
"Maybe I overreacted, but I did feel this was terrorism at its utmost," Chwaszczewski said.
Failing school gives student option to go
Brazilians Keep Abreast Of Fashion
The Nando Times: Family of detained terror suspect denies al-Qaida link
Reuters Wire | 07/21/2002 | Egypt arrests 34 suspected Islamists