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The warmonger with a heart.
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I DISAGREE with the assumption behind the campaign to restore felons' right to vote. I think the real problem is that there are too many felonies. Felonies used to be serious crimes, involving a likelihood of capital punishment. Now pretty much any crime is likely to be a felony...
Again With the Pteropundit
From the Pteropundit
From the Pteropundit
Study: Atlanta is nation's 4th most sprawling metro area
From the Pteropundit (Name used on trial basis) : Vatican Rejects U.S. Abuse Policy - Noelle Bush given 10 days in jail for contempt - Oct. 17, 2002 News | U.S. backs down on Iraq demands to U.N.
Facing strong opposition from dozens of nations, the United States has backed down from its demand that a new U.N. resolution must authorize military force if Baghdad fails to cooperate with weapons inspectors, diplomats told The Associated Press on Thursday.
Instead, the United States is now floating a compromise which would give inspectors a chance to test Iraq's will to cooperate on the ground. If Iraq then failed to disarm, the Bush administration would agree to return to the Security Council for further debate and possibly another resolution authorizing action.
Austell man who refused to doff fez in courtroom released two days after being put in jail N. Korea Admits Having Secret Nuclear Arms
Bus tour touts constitutional reform
First, it stripped blacks and poor whites of voting rights, kept taxes low and concentrated power in Montgomery. Federal intervention restored voting rights, but the constitution's limits on taxation have kept Alabama's taxes the lowest per person in the nation. Its limits on local control still force local governments to seek constitutional amendments to make even basic changes. The constitution has been amended more than 700 times.
Moore says he fulfilled pledge
Moore said the commandments form part of the basis for the First Amendment and the role of government.
I'm Switching To Birds, But Not Sure About The Name Yet
Cormorant excrement is pretty potent stuff, according to Lowe. It is harvested as fertilizer in some parts of the world and is super-rich in nitrogen.
"It's so hot it burns the vegetation," Lowe said.
The trees and plants die, he said, because the foliage gets showered by the droppings, and the soil becomes saturated with nitrogen.
Southwest Alaskans say bird is the size of a small plane
First annual Boy Scouts of America Dove Hunt planned - Tenet defends CIA pre-9/11 - Oct. 17, 2002
The administration also wants its only member on the commission to be the sole chairman, instead of being co-chair with a Democratic appointee.
"Unfortunately there still are some members (of Congress) who do not share the view that this commission should be truly bipartisan," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. "We hope these members will reconsider." | Living | Barry gambles at sea for laughs, sake of art
Ananova - Six killed and 144 injured in attack on Christian city Report: Terror Funds Flow Through Saudi Arabia
From the Ichthypundit
Police Can't Produce a Sketch of Sniper : Arthur Andersen Is Put on Probation
Worst Program Ever
Extremely Disturbing Search Requests
The Professor is looking for lefties to defend Jerry Falwell and his ilk? Well, he won't find them here. To me, the only difference between Falwell, Robertson, etc. and your garden-variety Wahhabist imam is that the terrorists our zealots encourage and defend aren't as good (as measured in body count) as the Islamic version. Do the names Eric Rudolph and Paul Hill mean anything to you? How about Timothy McVeigh? That's the face of the American extreme right, and the "respectable" religious right has been slow to condemn them and halfhearted when it does. "Ban" abortion? The far right kills abortion doctors and blows up clinics with police officers inside. When you remember the World Trade Center, don't forget the Murrah Building. - Federal Trial For Alabama Monument Begins
Confederate group complains of parade flag ban | Metro | Budget Cuts hurt crime lab : U.S., Germany, Japan Rebuff Ban on Tobacco Ads
AP Wire | 10/08/2002 | Spider webs float through Santa Cruz
Rationalists Doubt Mother Teresa's Miracle
Badly Spelled Search Requests
From the Ichthypundit
AP Wire | 10/16/2002 | Police: Arcadia fish hatchery owner killed 4,000 endangered birds
Invasive Species Overrun U.S. Wildlife Refuges
Reuters AlertNet - Finnish chemistry student talked of bomb for year
Jewish critic of Israel will speak to Muslim groups tonight at UAB
Governor's race ads top $10 million
ABC News - 17/10/02 : Indonesia formally detains two over Bali blasts - Malaysia arrests four Islamic militants - Oct. 16, 2002
U.S. Says It Told Indonesia of Plot by Terror Group
Fun With Those Morons In Cobb County
Georgia School Board Bans 'Theory Of Math'
COGDELL, GA—The Cogdell School Board banned the teaching of the controversial "Theory Of Math" in its schools Monday. "We are simply not confident of this mysterious process by which numbers turn, as if by magic, into other numbers," board member Gus Reese said. "Those mathematicians are free to believe 3 times 4 equals 12, but that dun [sic] give them the right to force it on our children." Under the new ruling, all math textbooks will carry a disclaimer noting that math is only one of many valid theories of number-manipulation.
Great Moments In Headline Writing
Supreme Court hears challenge to state's fornication law - Woman gives birth to her own granddaughters - Oct. 15, 2002
Mean Joke of the Day
No Need for Gun 'Fingerprinting,' says Bush Politics | Gov. Bush says daughter must confront addiction
From the Ichthypundit (Yeah, I Know, Mammals)
Sniper's latest victim was FBI agent
11 Found Dead in a Rail Car in Rural Iowa - Militant Laskar Jihad group disbands - Oct. 15, 2002
Invasive Species of the Day : Fried Twinkie Fad Hits Arkansas
Vote analysis: GOP not key in McKinney loss to Majette
After complaints, state to offer all unemployment calls toll-free
Israel Briefly Detain Jerusalem's Chief Muslim Cleric : False Bomb Alarm at U.S. Embassy in Paris - Police's Biggest Selection
Drug suspect says evidence was for religious study
Disturbing Search Requests That Will Generate Traffic US consumer groups blame Bush for large meat recalls
The Ichthypundit's Invasive Species of the Day
From the Ichthypundit
Australia uncovers al Qaeda links to Bali blasts -- East Africa: Ethiopian, Sudanese Leaders in Yemen for Talks - Seeking New Diet Foods? Try Bugs
Okla. Couple Wins Wife-Carry Contest
Sources: Apple is buyer of new IBM 64-bit processor : Falwell Apologizes to Muslims
Reuters AlertNet - Bin Laden hails "heroic" anti-Western attacks-TV
He says bank robbery was his retirement plan
Cheap Search Requests
U.S. judge to decide commandments issue
I am the LORD thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Abortion waiting period now law Serbian Election Nullified After Low Turnout
Palestinian Militants Vow Revenge for Killing of Militant
Reuters AlertNet - Bethlehem mourners attack journalists at funeral
Our Fine Educational System At Work - 1972 Andes crash survivors reunite - Oct. 13, 2002
Today's Mean Joke
Expert: Children need online monitoring : Bali Explosions Spur al-Qaida Fears - Bali death toll soars - Oct. 13, 2002
Falcons notify NFL they might redesign uniforms : Zimbabwe to Tighten Media Rules