Friday, October 06, 2006

Something missing there

Budget funds library, public transit

Read what you publish, people:

"The $4,538,423 budget includes a funding increase for the library and first-time money for a grant application writer and public transit.

The total is down from last year's budget of $4.59."
Last year's budget, apparently, was enough for a sandwich but not a drink.

Stop the insanity

PACs fueling costly races for state high court

1. 63 percent of the $7.8 million raised by candidates for the Alabama Supreme Court this cycle came from PACs.
2. Candidates for the Alabama Supreme Court have raised more than $48 million since 1993. This is by far the most in the country. Second is Texas with $28 million.

Nonpartisan judicial elections: your time has come.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I don't know... - News - Lawmakers Hold Hearing On 'Intersex Fish'

"Lawmakers on Capitol Hill want to know what is causing some male fish to acquire female sexual characteristics in the Potomac River and its tributaries."

...but I bet Mark Foley is involved somehow. Zing!

Anyway, what's interesting, to me anyway, is that they're only investigating this when it shows up in the Potomac. Male fish with female organs are an extremely common mutation and have been showing up everywhere for the last several years. But when they appear in Washington, it's cause for concern.

(Hat tip: Haggai.)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Pathetic copycat - Madonna adopts baby boy in Malawi - Oct 4, 2006

Ms. Ciccone, you are not Angelina Jolie. Let it go.

Introducing... The Legiondome!

Councilwoman wants body to consider her plan to bring new life to city's old stadium

Carole Smitherman, the president of the Birmingham City Council, wants to put a lid on top of Legion Field. To those of you not familiar with Legion:

1. It is almost 80 years old;
2. It is located in a slum ("kind of dead" according to a leader of that community);
3. The upper deck had to be removed because large parts were falling off and the next UAB game it hosted it would probably collapse, killing dozens of spectators;
4. It is very difficult to get to and not on any major roads.

Larry Langford wishes he could come up with something this crazy.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Watch Veronica Mars tonight

That is all.

More bad news from Russia

Old U.S. sitcoms get Russian makeovers - Yahoo! News

Either they have really poor taste, or they're mocking us.

Boy, there's a surprise

Judge upholds Siegelman, Scrushy convictions - Tuscaloosa

The trial judge upheld the verdict, as they almost always do. If they want this overturned it will be on appeal, and I doubt that will happen either.

He's just a plain old country boy...

Folsom's ad campaign pits common man against wealthy

...whose father was the Governor and who used to be the Lieutenant Governor and the Governor.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fmr. Rep. Mark Foley (R-Pervert)... and a pony!

The Poor Man Institute : I like steamroom

Don't we all?

The madness continues

Latest donations exceed $1.6 million

Over $1 million in the race for Alabama Chief Justice, and more than two-thirds of that among the three associate justice slots. Nonpartisan judicial races now, please.

How enlightened

Moundville fights home for 'crazy people’ - Tuscaloosa

Your Moundville City Council, ladies and gentlemen:

“If we put those type of people in there [the facility] how do we know they aren’t going to walk out and kidnap someone?" Morrison asked at one point during the Monday meeting.

Said Moundville Councilmember Kirk Pearson, “I can tell you what, I’ve been around crazy people all my life, Moundville doesn’t want any more."

Really? I can think of a few crazy people...