Friday, February 09, 2007

I suppose he's coming back, though

Riley heads Alabama delegation to Europe

In what is perhaps the most important and storied of the duties of the Governor of Alabama, Bob Riley has gone to Germany to suck up to foreigners in hopes that they will build a plant here to exploit our cheap labor. Good luck, Bob! Scarily, the Lt. Gov. is going with him, meaning that the top constitutional official in the state will be Troy King.

I was hoping it was "coonass"

Teacher suspended over slur

I wasn't going to post on this, but then I saw that the teacher, who is white and was suspended for allegedly slurring two black students, is named "Alan Blackmon". Whee!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Profane, yes

Shakespeare's Sister

However, it's not remotely anti-Catholic. The only way that this could be defined as "anti-Catholic" would take in the entire Democratic Party, most Independents, and a significant number of Republicans. Basically anyone who disagrees with the Catholic Church on anything. This thing is crap.

He's very tall - NBA - Ex-NBA center Amaechi announcing he's gay in book

He's also English, basketball's most prominent Englishman. This only reinforces the suspicion held by most American men that all Englishmen are actually gay.

Birmingdome update

Rogers wants Jeffco to up ante for BJCC

I've noticed that the News now refers to the Birmingdome as the "BJCC expansion" rather than the Dome. Apparently, the Dome isn't that popular. Hmm. Anyway, State Rep. John "Horse Track" Rogers wants to make the county pay $15 million a year ($5 million a year more than the previous commitment that they're not actually paying right now) towards the Dome. Since the majority of the County Commission is anti-Dome, he would force this by threatening to repeal the county's half-cent occupational tax, which generates $60 million a year.


Pastor wants plea deal for arsonists

You mean you actually bought all that "love your neighbor, forgive your enemies" stuff? What did they teach you in seminary, rev?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In Michigan

Political Wire: Romney Will Announce Next Week

"I'm from Michigan! Not Massachusetts! I've never even been to Massacusetts! Go Tigers! Red Sox suck!"

I am so over Roy Moore

Roy Moore forms new group

But I guess I have to talk about this (I saw the story yesterday but didn't want to deal with it). The Coalition to Restore America, he calls it, and I only wish he'd found something starting with P to finish the phrase. He's a nitwit, but you knew that. And he wants to "restore" America to when it was really great -- like Salem in the late 1600s.

The Great Helium Shortage of 2007

Scarce helium inflates prices

It's like it vanished into the air or something. And everywhere, balloons are falling to the the ground and voices are staying deep.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Doesn't count, Mooney

The Intersection: Dora, Cat 4, First of 2007

As previously indicated, only Atlantic hurricanes which hit the United States mainland count. Nobody cares about the Pacific. Therefore, there were no hurricanes of note last year and the whole thing about bad hurricanes being caused by global warming is a lie perpetrated by the Weather Channel to boost their ratings.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Not yet

Matthew Yglesias : Is Clinton Inevitable?

Probably not. But I just wanted to say that the ironic effect of the "national primary" that seems to be developing (many states, including California, moving their primaries to a week or two after New Hampshire) is to make New Hampshire more, not less important -- to Hillary, at any rate. I tend to think that Edwards or Obama will win Iowa. Then it will come down to New Hampshire. If Hillary wins, with her huge advantages in name recognition and money she'll win California (it being impossible to use "retail" politics on such a scale) and most of the other non-Southern primaries and sweep to the nomination. If she loses, she's mortally wounded and Edwards or Obama, or somebody else, will emerge as the frontrunner.