Saturday, August 19, 2006

Canadians are weird

Curious Canadians seek state on Web

For some reason, people in Vancouver Google for "Alabama" more than people anywhere else.

Alligator Season

Going after gators to thin Delta's herd

Why is there going to be an alligator season in the Mobile Delta? Well, maybe because it's so fricking hot now that the gators have moved out of Florida. Nah, can't be that.

Remember when he was funny?

Bill Cosby to visit city, talk on crime

Now he's working for St. Roy Moore's "Foundation for Moral Law". To be fair, he may not be aware that he's pitching for a group that "says its purpose is restoring the knowledge of God in law and government through representing individuals in religious liberty cases, and educating through forums for the public and pastors."

The kids today with their pants hanging down and the AK-47s and the IPods and the flibbit ribbit...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Easy joke of the day

Barry Manilow to have hip surgery - Yahoo! News

This marks the first time that "Barry Manilow" and "hip" have appeared in the same context.

We're #38

Alabama, Auburn tied in college rankings - Tuscaloosa

Auburn's been ahead for a long time. And this must be a pre-"directed readings" ranking; that should drag them down next year. The rankings are fundamentally stupid anyway.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's been a bad day

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall August 17, 2006 02:37 PM

Look, I grew up in Alabama and I've never killed anyone or said anything remotely this stupid.

Degrading reality show of the day

OfficeMax, ABC Family Pact on Schooled

Yes, there's nothing funnier than watching middle-schoolers get humiliated on national television. Well, cable.

Oh, hooray - News - Alabama Has Link To JonBenet Case

We raise them right here, huh?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Hail Lucy

Baxley outlines priorities as governor

She's way down in the polls and has nothing to lose, so she's suggesting something both daring and useful, a raise in the minimum wage. Alabama doesn't have a state minimum and uses the federal wage of $5.15 an hour; she would raise it to $6.15. Riley will say that this makes her a hippie liberal commie Hillary lover.

Rhesus ipsa loquitur - Senator denies remark was racist - Aug 16, 2006

George, you called an Indian-American a name that apparently refers to monkeys. It is absolutely impossible for that not to be construed as racist; that your people tried to invent an excuse claiming that you were referring to a nonexistent mohawk haircut indicates that they know this. Either you are a bigot, or you are too stupid to even serve in the Senate. Probably both.

This president, I can see

Riley opposes giving Guard power to president

Actually, Riley could have just been going along with his buddies. All the governors signed a letter saying that the President shouldn't have the power to nationalize the National Guard in an emergency without permission from the governor (or fill-in governor, if the governor is incapacitated, I guess).

This morning, all the nation's governors were rounded up and put in Gitmo.

Dogs in school

Contract would put drug-sniffing dog in Jeffco schools

Sure, I bring a dog to school, I get sent home and my parents have to come in, but the cops can bring a dog to school, no problem.

Let's not talk about the ACT

44 states outscore Alabama on ACT

That makes us look dumb. Let's talk SAT! We always do well in that (because only those who are hoping for scholarships take it).

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Again, pretty reasonable

Riley wants state buildings to trim energy use

But why wait until now?

In a matter of speaking

Lawmaker rebukes Christian Coalition

Telling them to go to Hell is really a bit more than a rebuke. Alvin Holmes says he won't answer the CCA's questionaire until they answer questions about their ties to the Abramoff scandal and casino money.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Pure Alabama Democratic Party Entertainment

Fires of Dell

Batteries to force Dell recall - Technology - International Herald Tribune

Apparently, 4.1 million notebook computers need to be recalled because they could erupt in flames. This is not considered to be a good thing. You're never going to get your laptop onto the plane now.

Hooked on a landslide

The Alabama Democratic Party

We're going to run away with the elections this November. It's guaranteed. How do I know this? Two letters and one word: B. J. Thomas.

Great, lipstick - TSA 'tweaks' list of banned carry-on items - Aug 13, 2006

Two questions...

1. Nobody will answer my question about ice. I still say that ice is a solid.

2. What about chapstick?

Teach them to be "moderates"

Church fined after Cuba travel canceled

A Baptist group has been fined $34,000 (about ten percent of its operating budget) and its travel to Cuba cancelled because the Treasury Department decided that a church's members were engaging in "tourist activities". What are tourist activities?

  • Wearing sandals with black socks.
  • Asking if national treasures are "for sale".
  • Complaining about the bathrooms.
  • Taking pictures during solemn events.
  • Complaining that the food isn't as good as the food in the [ethnic group] restaurant back home.

I mock, because this is stupid, like the entire Cuba travel ban is stupid, and I half suspect is political retribution for breaking away from the Republican-dominated Southern Baptist Convention.

Sounds like the way to go

HealthSouth reveals transformation plan

They plan to spin off three of their four divisions, leaving only inpatient rehabilitation (which makes most of the company's money). They also want to get listed on the NYSE again.