Friday, January 05, 2007

Not Without My Border Fence

Sessions fears for Mexican border fence's fate

Poor Jeffie. Those nasty Democrats are going to take away funding from his baby and give it to poor people or something. He's not going to stand for it, though what he's going to do about it is pretty hard to figure. Maybe he's planning to raise a violent revolution or something.

There are certain problems with this

Langford explores mayoral campaign

Larry Langford wants to run for mayor of Birmingham, a city of which he is not what is technically called "a resident". Which is a shame, because he feels that the city could use his brand of madness "aggression and vision":

"This city lacks aggression and vision," he said. "Those are not always popular terms, but they are necessities if you want to turn this ship around."

Langford, 59, said, "Aggression is what made Memphis, Atlanta, Charlotte and other cities who have taken their own future by the horns, successful."


He is still very fat

Studdard issues weight-loss challenge

I mean, he's not as fat as he was, but he's fatter than I am, and I'm pretty fat. If he can get down to under 300, then he can challenge us.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

We're number one! And number two!

Inventory: 12 Defunct Bowl Games | The A.V. Club

Let's face it, the Blue-Grey Game really did put the "number two" in college football.

But I don't like green fluorescent stem cells and ham!

China heralds year of the fluorescent green pig -

However, only parts of the pig actually glow in the dark under ultraviolet -- the mouth, trotters, and tongue. So be prepared for glow-in-the-dark hot dogs, I guess.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It'll all end in tears

Saban time! |

Of course, pretty much everything does. For now, I'm pretty happy.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Those darned Democrats

Earmark plan harms parks

How dare they take away the pork that Richard Shelby grabbed fair and square? It's just delightful how outraged the Birmingham News is about this.

So, where were we?

40 killings from'06 remain unsolved

Well, there's always Birmingham's skyrocketing murder rate. Well, it's not skyrocketing any more, it seems to have leveled off, only at record levels -- 109 last year. But hey, give the police credit, they managed to solve more than half of the killings. Take a bow, guys!