Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Cramer says area outlook good with funding for missile defense

"It's been a good year for defense appropriations and therefore a good year for Huntsville, according to U.S. Rep. Bud Cramer, who gave some 500 lunch guests in his hometown a Washington update Monday.

Sept. 11 convinced many in Congress that more money is needed for missile programs like those based here, said Cramer, D-Huntsville. "The missile-defense budget for 2003 looks very good."

"Because Congressmen are stupid and think that a missile defense system would have been able to stop the flying of hijacked passenger aircraft into buildings," Cramer (D-Raytheon) didn't add but immediately came to mind when I read that. Jeez, Osama should probably get a tip. 3500 people dead, but it's all good for Huntsville! Jeez, if the original death estimates had held, Huntsville would be entering a golden age!

He also pushed projects to "revitalize" downtown Huntsville. Revitalization, of course, is code for "lots of nice red brick everywhere at taxpayer's expense".


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