Saturday, January 13, 2007

Librarians on ice

ALA | Upcoming Conferences and Meetings

The ALA has two annual events -- the convention in June and midwinter meetings in January. This year's midwinter meeting is in Seattle. Okay, not my first choice to spend January, but not too bad. The next three, however:

2008 Midwinter Meeting, Philadelphia, PA: Jan. 11-16 , 2008

2009 Midwinter Meeting, Denver, CO: Jan 23–28, 2009

2010 Midwinter Meeting, Boston, MA: Jan. 15–20, 2010

Does anyone else see a problem here? Thank God for global warming is all I can say.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Help a dude out


Special Olympics for Law Enforcement

18 immigration suspects arrested

Does it really take more than 50 cops from at least ten different agencies on the city, county, state, and federal levels to bust one van full of possible illegal aliens? Apparently, 1 Mexican Day Laborer = 3 Cops.

Stung twice?

Scorpion on a plane -- passenger gets pantful of pain -

You would think he would have noticed after the first one. Anyway, now we aren't going to be allowed to take scorpions on plane trips. Bummer.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another council member quits, town can't get quorum

Another council member quits, town can't get quorum

Roland Collins sat silently in the back of the Argo Town Council chamber with a brown paper bag over his head.

Collins said he wore the bag - once a gimmick used by a stand-up comic and then adopted by disgruntled sports fans - to illustrate his disgust with the council. He called himself 'the unknown citizen.'

Apparently, nobody will stay on the Argo Town Council. But with constituents like this, who can blame them?


Democrats prevail

The Birmingham News talks about the failure of a "bipartisan" group to take control of the Alabama Senate. "Bipartisan" here, as in Washington, means that Republicans are in charge with the help of a few Democratic quislings. Screw that.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Langford seeks site for NBA

Larry Langford's Latest: He wants to bring a basketball team to Birmingham. I seriously doubt that the NBA would return his interest. We couldn't even keep a CBA team.

Monday, January 08, 2007

He never finished it

Man returns book overdue since 1960 -

You know, most libraries stop charging late fees at some point, so he really shouldn't have had to pay $171.32.

Wise choice

Davis won't run for Senate in '08, but 2010 race another matter

Let's face it, Artur Davis would have enough trouble winning in this increasingly Republican state running for an open seat. Running against an entrenched Republican incumbent in Jeff Sessions would have been futile. Plus he's on Ways and Means now, which is a sweet gig. He may run for the Senate in 2010 if Shelby retires; I assume that Bob Riley is thinking about moving back to Washington, since he's term-limited, and would be very hard to beat.