Saturday, October 12, 2002

At least 54 killed, 120 injured in nightclub bombing in Indonesia

This story reports at least eight foreigners among the dead, so far. The current reports have two explosions at the club, plus the one near the US Consulate. This reminds me of nothing so much as the activity in Pakistan since the Afghan campaign, where terrorists have been actively seeking out Western and/or Christian targets, not caring if they're American or not -- but on a much wider scale. - Finland mall blast 'killed bomber' - Oct. 12, 2002

They're not reporting much else, at least not here -- whether this bomber was a Middle-Eastern-style suicide bomber or if he blew himself up unintentionally. He was a 20-year-old college student, but nothing else is said about his background. The Finnish PM is calling this an act of terror. Six innocent victims are known so far, but I wouldn't be surprised if the toll rises again. - At least 20 killed in Bali explosions - Oct. 12, 2002

There were two explosions; the first was at a disco and all the reported casualties were there. The second was near the US consulate. It appears that the disco explosion was a car bomb. Casualties included both Indonesians and foreign tourists. The assumption is that this is another attack by one of the many terrorist groups we've apparently given up trying to wipe out.

Honda sees likely restart Tuesday

Well, Dubya the Union Breaker did eastern Alabama a favor, looks like. The Honda assembly plant that was shut down because it couldn't get parts from Asia will reopen.

Education key to preventing BB injuries

I suppose so. But it doesn't seem like a long course. Really, it's "Never point guns at people, and if you do, don't shoot."

Overly Detailed Canadian Search Requests

Google Search: extended short story metaphors done on war by arabs - U.S. Embassy guards help foil suicide bombing - Oct. 11, 2002

Hey, way to go guys! I guess Bush knew what he was doing when he decided to keep the US Embassy in Tel Aviv after all. Security guards from the embassy chased down and captured a Palestinian Islamokaze who had been chased out of a cafe.

Oh, by the way -- and I am not making this up -- the guards at the French embassy also noticed the bomber acting suspiciously. And -- I am still not making this up -- they called the police. I suppose that's the most we could expect.

Friday, October 11, 2002

Democratic Search Requests

Yahoo! Search Results for are republicans paranoid?

Train derails in Tuscaloosa; chemical spills

That would explain why my skin is falling off, I guess... I know the area of the spill. It's largely a business district, pretty run down. The authorities swear that the sodium hydroxide (the active ingredient in drain cleaners) is just pooling up and won't cause any harm.

United Press International: France: Europe's 'black sheep'

Okay, I need someone to make a warblogger judgment call... If France starts feuding with the rest of the EU, do we:

A. Take the EU's side against those filthy cheese-eating surrender monkeys;

B. Take France's side against those awful unificationist socialist bureaucrats;

C. Say "a curse on both your houses"?

U.S. Agriculture Inspector Charged with Illegally Importing Protected Wildlife

Oops! He was importing protected birds from his family home... in Nigeria. Wait a minute...

"Greettings! I am Wahab Omotaya Alaga of the USA (United State of America) department agriculture! I have found myself in possession of nine (9) gray singing finches, but..."

Yes, his first name really is "Wahab". Oh, dear... - Five dead in Helsinki explosion - Oct. 11, 2002

They don't know yet if it's a bomb or a gas leak. Part of the ceiling of the shopping center has collapsed; that death toll is going to rise.

I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to add my tiny shrill little voice to Charles Kuffner's call to support Ron Kirk for Senate. And any other Democrats in competitive races. Unfortunately, Alabama's googly-eyed Republican Jeff Sessions has a commanding lead.

From the Ichthypundit : Fish Return to Kentucky Streams

Two years ago, aquatic life in the streams was wiped out by a "deluge" of coal sludge. But they've been recolonized from unaffected streams and are recovering more quickly than expected.

(I'd like to point out that the Bush Administration thinks coal sludge is just dandy. I know it's not relevant, but I just like to point it out.)

JS Online: Outbreak of West Nile at zoo the worst in U.S., expert says

Eight penguins in Milwaukee died of West Nile. Poor penguins. | Cobb | Family's dogs kill toddler playing alone in back yard

The Union of Irresponsible Parents advocates letting your children play with the family rottweilers! Rottweilers love children -- they're very tender.

Inexplicable European Search Requests

Google Search: eu fish quote die law throw

From the Ichthypundit - Enjoy but take care: Bad fish can make you sick - Oct. 10, 2002

Americans eat on average fifteen pounds of fish per year. Which seems like a lot, but is well below chicken and beef I'm sure. Despite that, it's also the food that causes the most food-poisoning... By the way, I was at Winn-Dixie monday and they have a sign saying that they have fresh sushi every day. I'm sorry, but I don't think the Winn-Dixie sushi sounds like a good idea.

From the Ichthypundit

Tourist slump after fish kill

Turns out that massive piles of dead fish aren't the tourist attraction you'd think. For instance:

Fishing, once a hugely popular activity in Lake Cathie, has all but ceased since the fish kills.

On the other hand, it's much easier. Instead of having to deal with bait and hooks, all you need now is a net. Or a bucket will do.

Which reminds me, anyone out there watching the current Survivor? One of their food sources is dead squid that wash up on the beach. I don't know, does that sound safe to you?

From the Ichthypundit

Democrat & Chronicle: Fish invasion imperils lake

This time, the lake is in upstate New York, and the fish is the "round goby". The good news is that it eats zebra mussels. The bad news is that it eats native fish and their eggs. : Kmart Seeks to Sell 'Net Provider

KMart has an ISP?!?

Maytag closes, plant, cuts 1,600 jobs

Did they can that repair guy who's been sitting around doing nothing the last thirty years?

Lawyer: Terror Suspect Eyed Schools

This is one of the Oregon Six; the accusation is that Jeffrey Battle was considering a terror attack on synagogues or schools here in the US. Which if true is horrible. Of course, so far all they've been formally accused of is trying to get to Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban and failing.

The Scotsman - Top Stories - New planet's trail could signal life in space

Except, well, not. It's a "Saturn-like" planet, so obviously not life-supporting. It circles Fomalhaut, which is probably too bright to support a life-supporting planet anyway. And it was detected in a giant dust disc around the star, which would serve to destroy any life a planet held.

Ananova - No party wins majority in Pakistan elections

But the Islamic parties are happy. Which is just what we need, obviously. I obviously don't understand the appeal, but then I don't understand the appeal of right-wing religious zealots here, and they seem to be all over the state government. I guess everywhere there's a segment of the population that wants to be ruled by someone who hates the world.

Judge: Sex toy sales ban unconstitutional

Please tell me it's not a First Amendment issue. I don't think I could stand a world where sex toys are a matter of free expression... Oh, good, right to privacy. Whew.

Albertville woman is in 'Bachelor' final 10

How proud her parents must be.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

After Indictment, Protesters Rally

The protesters rallied as Attorney General John Ashcroft held a news conference inside the building to announce the seven-count indictment, which accuses Enaam M. Arnaout, 40, of money laundering, fraud and conspiracy to engage in racketeering as executive director of the charity, the Benevolence International Foundation, based in Chicago.

I mean, where's the crime in that? Look, this guy should not have been held without charges. But now he's been charged, and those charges are serious. And while I don't know if he's guilty or not, that doesn't mean he's being held just for being Muslim.

Disturbing Slate-related Search Requests

Google Search: "Jack Shafer" asshole

Boy faces parents in court

"Do you think we're abusive parents?" Sharon Duncan asked her son, who has been in foster care since February 2001.

"No, ma'am," said the boy, dressed neatly in a navy blazer and white shirt.

"Why do you feel that way?" asked his 41-year-old mother.

The boy's voice was almost inaudible as he leaned forward in the witness stand.

"I feel that you all whup us because you all love us," he said.

I'm not a parent, first off. And maybe children do need to be spanked -- I don't know how I feel about that. But I'm absolutely sure that they shouldn't be whipped with a belt, leaving "bruises and abrasions".

Libertarian Coffee concedes he'll lose

Well, as long as he's clear on that. It's kind of refreshing having a political party that always loses.

House panel OKs billions for space plan

The Space Launch Initiative, based in Huntsville, got a $729 million budget from a House subcommittee; human spaceflight got $6.13 billion. It's a big boost for Space Launch, which is supposed to develop the successor vehicle to the space shuttle. Maybe it's my inner SF reader talking, but it's potentially the most important thing in the budget. They're also working on nuclear-powered spacecraft, which as you can imagine will make NASA very popular.

From the Ichthypundit

State draft report says manatees no longer endangered

Computers say that half of the population will disappear in the next 45 years, but the State of Florida says they're not endangered. They're on the Federal endangered list, but the State of Florida doesn't care. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! Time to motorboat like there's no tomorrow!

Bomber Kills One in Israel; Two Dead in Gaza Raid

Another incompetent bomber, though the results were bad enough. He was trying to get on a bus when he fell down. The driver and a passenger went to help him, then held him down when they saw what he was up to. Thwarted in his attempts at mass murder, he settled for killing a 71-year-old woman. Such nobility.

Robert Vance Jr. named circuit judge

Appointed by Governor Siegelman. Robert Vance Sr. was killed by a mail bomb in 1989.

U.S. fears al-Qaida's regrouping for new plots

Yes, we've done a really fine job with the War On, haven't we? Broke the backs of al-Qaeda, that's for sure. Except, well, al-Q trained men just killed a Marine in Kuwait, and Abu Sayyaf is still around and just killed a Green Beret and several citizens in the Phillipines, and there are all these reports that Osama is still around.

Port strike hits Honda

The Honda plant in eastern Alabama has to halt production because they can't get parts. They plant to start up again Monday.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Did anyone besides me get some spam accusing Mossad of the anthrax attacks? Sleaze.

Israeli professor receives Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences

Well, congratulations. What are the odds that some group of slimebags in Sweden will start a campaign to keep him from receiving his award?

From the Ichthypundit

Miles of dead fish foul Volusia shore

There's a massive fish kill off the Atlantic coast of Florida, washing ashore in Volusia county. 90 percent of the fish were Atlantic Croakers; arguably, their deaths don't come as any great surprise. The good news is that it's not our fault, but apparently is due to an algal bloom.

Vatican astronomer stares at the sky a lot

Well, good for him. Maybe he can tell us how his life has changed in the last decade. You know, since the Vatican decided to admit Galileo was right after all?

Books cataloged this morning

In order:

Ringmaster by Jerry Springer;
The Path to Power, by Margaret Thatcher;
Edward M. Kennedy, by noted asshole Adam Clymer;
and Book, by Whoopi Goldberg.

Now, that's eclectic.

ADEM Reform Coalition says agency needs changes

Damn straight. I've complained about the Alabama Department of Environmental Management before; it is way too friendly with business interests. Governor Siegelman is making some noises that he might support reform, but you can never tell with him, and the Republicans, of course, are hopeless. Any reform will have to be a grassroots sort of thing. Hopefully all the grass won't be dead by then.

Keller's likeness on quarter raises interest in her activism

A Birmingham radio host mentioned the whole socialism thing, questioning if she should be on the quarter. So a whole bunch of people called him to complain and demanded he site proof of his "accusation".

Reuters AlertNet - Israel defence chief moves against Jewish settlers

Hmmm... Funny how Arafat never does anything to his lawbreakers, isn't it?

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Bail Given to One of Six Men in Buffalo Terror Case

Nice to see that this is being taken seriously.

In granting $600,000 bond to Sahim Alwan, Magistrate H. Kenneth Schroeder Jr. said that Alwan had ``disavowed any continued activity in al-Qaida'' and had tried to extricate himself.

Now, wait a minute. Is he saying that he used to be in al-Q, but now he's left? Well, then, he should be free to go!

Gartner Predicts: Return to Distributed Systems

Thomason Predicts: IT people will keep predicting a return to distributed systems on the premise that eventually there will be some sort of return and then they'll look like geniuses to everyone with long-term memory loss.

Extinction Risk for 1 in 3 Primates, Study Says

Well, primate species. Most primates belong to species that aren't in any danger of extinction anytime soon. Humans, for example.

And now, Daily Affirmations with Scott McNealy:

Sun CEO: We're "good enough" - Tech News - - Farrakhan Criticizes Bush on Iraq

Boy, that'll make the President think twice. Criticism from such a respected domestic figure. In a lot of ways, the best argument for the war is still the people who are most against it.


Chelsea Clinton will appear on an "Absolutely Fabulous" Christmas special. She's her father's daughter, all right. Bush Talks, But Networks Speechless

Let the record show that my local ABC affiliate did carry the speech. And also that I'm blaming the delay caused by the speech for the Atlanta Braves' loss last night. I'm petty that way.

Democratic Rumormonging Search Requests

Google Search: "bob riley" gay

Wausau - Poll: St. Matt's class prefers Doyle

Even eighth-graders ignore the Libertarians:

My third question was "What political party do you consider yourself?" The results were 52 percent said they were Democrats, 38 percent said they were Republicans, 10 percent said they supported the Green Party, and 0 percent said they were Libertarian.

Damn liberals.

Illiterate Canadian Search Requests

Google Search: nucular bomb pictures

Elberta plans for German Sausage Festival

I'm only linking this to point out that the German Sausage Festival is held twice a year. Because once just isn't enough when you're talking German Sausage.

'Ready to go': Alabama's new death chamber is unveiled

Well, actually it's the same death chamber. It's been remodeled, that's all. They replaced that ghastly yellow chair that was in the center of the room with a lovely modern gurney, equipped with mattress, arm rests, restraints, and IV drip.

The prison warden thinks that electrocution is more humane than lethal injection. He may be a little confused... Let the record show that the last person executed by electrocution in the State of Alabama was a woman. Who says we're not progressive?

Some are calling this Norwegian Blogger post a "Fisking". Actually it's a MSTing. There's a long (in Internet terms) tradition of giving USENET posts the MST3K treatment.

'Mock lynching' at Lowndes High School angers black parents

Sweet Jesus. White students -- at least three of them -- at Lowndes County High School decided that it would be amusing to spew hate around. So they painted Barbie dolls black, then hung them from the ceiling with nooses around their necks. Oh, and painted "KKK" on the walls. What is with people?

Fun With Libertarians

Myers wants death penalty abolished

Yes, the Big L steamroller keeps moving along. In addition to a Lt. Gov. candidate who is a truck driver whose wife works in a liquor store, their Attorney General candidate wants a two-year moratorium on the death penalty, or better yet its abolition. You can imagine how well that plays in this state. Of course, he is a criminal defense attorney. You know how popular they are. He also went out of his way to support the manufacture of rope from hemp, meaning that there's an excellent chance he'll eventually be portrayed by Woody Harrelson.

Has anyone considered that the Libertarian Party is actually just a shell operated by the Democrats and Republicans to make third parties look ridiculous? Because if it isn't, you could have fooled me.

Gulf War vets question new battle

The traitorous, cowardly bastards.

Newspaper carrier shoots, kills robber

My immediate reaction was wondering who would rob a newspaper carrier, but actually he was filling the racks at a convenience store when the robber came in. The clerk's an ex-cop and says he would have shot the robber if the carrier hadn't. But I bet he wouldn't have gotten the nice write-up in the paper if he had.

Reuters AlertNet - Two killed in clash with US Marines in Kuwait

What the heck? Apparently the war has started already. During US/Kuwaiti exercises in anticipation of said war, a "civilian vehicle" took shots at some Marines, who naturally returned fire. Two people in the vehicle were killed and a Marine was wounded.

Nobel Prize winner has ties to Berkeley

Yeah, but the surprise is that this is a science prize, not a "peace" prize winner.

Monday, October 07, 2002

Millionaire pleads guilty to killing 171 protected hawks

Said millionaire, a 71-year-old dog trainer, will have to pay a $45,000 fine and an $85,000 contribution to two environmental organizations. That's $760.23 per hawk. Which seems kind of light. But she's banned from dog shows this fall! That'll teach her!

State of Alabama - Office of the Governor - Press Releases

Terry Oglesby has found the press release for the State's quarter featuring known Commie Helen Keller, complete with a huge picture which I won't reproduce here because it takes up the whole screen. No, I don't know what "NEN" means. And the pine cones look more like mutant blackberries.

JS Online: More taking interest in Spiritualism, believers say

Feel that your life is missing something? Stupid? Easily bamboozled? Consider spiritualism! Yes, spiritualism is making a comeback, and you too can be bilked out of your life savings by con men and con women!

Fun With Libertarians - Candidate turned himself blue - Oct. 1, 2002

Yes, the Libertarian candidate for Senate in Montana is blue. Permanently. He drank a silver solution to protect him from disease. In particular, he thought there was might be a shortage of antibiotics because of Y2K. And he made the solution himself. Now he's blue, and not figuratively. Unfortunately, the Green Party candidate isn't green, but we can hope. : When Divine Intervention Breaks the Law

Jacqueline Crank (what a name!) was told by doctors that her daughter had to go to a hospital to get treatment for a tumor in her shoulder, she did what any concerned parent with a brain the size of a walnut would do and went to a minister instead. Not surprisingly, her daughter died of bone cancer last month. Thankfully, the State of Tennessee is charging her and the minister with murder, child abuse, and neglect. Let them rot in jail.

White House Moves to Intervene as Port Talks Break Off

Wow, Bush is intervening to end a strike. Who would have guessed?

Hey, I don't know the issues here. And frankly, I don't care what they are. But this President taking the side of management in a labor dispute is the least surprising thing ever. - News - Alabama State Quarter To Depict Helen Keller

A couple of rather poor images of the Helen Keller quarter. I'll try to find a better one. Hey, braille!

Students get real-world experience

Whew, it's a story about engineering students studying in a machine shop. I was afraid MTV was coming to Tuscaloosa.

Libertarian loses appeal to get on 11th Congressional ballot

Looks like the powers that be will be successful once again in keeping a third party candidate off the Georgia ballot. It's basically impossible to get on there, apparently. No third party candidate has run for Congress in Georgia in 59 years.

GOP split on Social Security

Republican congressional nominee Mike Rogers is running away from his party on Social Security privatization. Which is hardly surprising, with the stock market in the toilet.

Keller image on new state quarter

Alabama's entry in the state quarters series has finally been announced. Alabama native Helen Keller will be featured.

Department of Horribly Inappropriate Jokes

I only wish she were here to see it.

Really, I'm terribly sorry. I had to.

Fun With Libertarians

Hunt violent criminals, candidate says

Libertarian Lyn Curtis Adams said he decided to run for lieutenant governor partly because his wife, Kellie, was robbed at gunpoint in December while working at a state liquor store in Montgomery.

Adams says that he wants the police to spend more time hunting (his word!) violent criminals and less time enforcing laws against pot and prostitution. I agree, I suppose. But Mr. Adams, what kind of Libertarian are you? Relying on the police! Why don't you take your assault rifle and your concealed handgun and hunt the criminals down yourself?

On the other hand, I like the idea of a Lieutenant Governor whose wife works in a liquor store. But it's a state liquor store! Mr. Adams, your wife works for the government! How could you?

Ananova - Solar system scientists discover planet-like body

The "planet-like" body? Eh, typical. They're calling in "Quaoar", which is apparently the name of a god of the Los Angeles Indians. It's smaller than Pluto (half the size according to another story) and located in the Kuiper Belt. It's the largest solar system member discovered since Pluto, but it's not a planet. Actually, an increasing number of astronomers don't think Pluto should count as one either.

The real story is that it was announced in Birmingham, where the American Astronomical Society is meeting. How could I have not known that?

Daschle Predicts Broad Support for Military Action Against Iraq

The fiend! The traitorous, liberal, fiend! How dare he undermine the Presidential war effort like this?

Brazil Presidential Election Is Set for October Runoff

Leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva did not get enough votes to avoid a runoff election. So that's good news for the CIA, which now has three weeks to fix the election and avoid having to engineer a coup.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Disturbing Canadian Search Requests

Google Search: "jennifer lopez' toes"

I mean, when I see Jennifer Lopez, I generally don't think of her toes. But this is the second search like that I've seen.

From the Ichthypundit

DEM to revise fish-handling methods

Dateline: Rhode Island! A couple of Department of Environmental Management workers were supposed to stock the Blackstone River with rainbow trout. And they did, 150 trout! Well, they were given 200, but water level was low and about 50 were dropped on rocks and died without reaching water. Still, that's 75% which lived, a solid C. As they say, close enough for government work.

From the Ichthypundit

More manatees killed by boats as state considers changing creatures' endangered status

Yep. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission's answer to an increase in manatees killed by boats is a plan to remove the manatee from the state endangered species list. If you didn't know the governor of Florida was a Bush, you could guess.

State GOP makes pitch for absentee

Yep, the Republicans have a campaign to get absentee ballots filled out. And you know what that means: It's voting fraud time!

Reuters AlertNet - Bin laden fate unclear, but Karzai says Omar alive

Mullah Omar is apparently wandering around Afghanistan stirring up trouble. He's either trying to revive the Taliban or auditioning for a reality series. As for Osama...

Bin Laden threatens more attacks: Al-Jazeera

Well, you can believe al-Jazeera if you want. As it is, I think he's dead. If he wasn't, he'd want to broadcast it, and with more than a handful of tapes that could have been recorded any time... Or maybe he's alive, but maimed or crippled somehow? I suppose that might keep him off TV. Which would explain...

Satellite picks up bin Laden

According to "American intelligence sources", which aren't really any more reliable than al-Jazeera when it comes down to it. Supposedly they have a recording of him talking to Omar.

Summing up... Maybe he's alive, maybe he's dead. But I'm betting that all this coming up now is related to the Iraq war. President Bush can't be criticized for moving on from Osama to Saddam if Osama is dead. But if he's alive, he has to be dealt with. We could easily keep hunting Osama while fighting in Iraq, but a lot of people might not see it that way.

Leftist Leads Brazilian Election

Oh no! And the CIA is all busy with this terrorism thing -- how will they find the time to mastermind his overthrow? : Asian Officials Fear Fallout of War

You want fallout? What do you think is going to happen if Saddam gets nuclear weapons? I'll give you "fallout".

I generally take a dim view of people who primarily want to prevent war not to save lives but for economic reasons. I realize that's a lot of people, but still. I'm not crazy about this war, though I think it has to be fought. Saying it shouldn't be because its goals can be reached peacefully is one thing. Saying it shouldn't be because you're afraid oil prices will go up in Japan is something else entirely.

Race track erupts into temporary metropolis

You know, I really enjoy living in a state where two weeks a year the second- or third-largest city in the state is a racetrack. You think I'm kidding.

Bizarre Italian Search Requests

AltaVista - Italia - Ricerca - Risultati per: sassafrass oil buy

I-85 extension planned

Wow, an actual road to nowhere! I-85 currently ends at Montgomery; the state wants to extend it to intersect I-20/59 near the Mississippi line. This would theoretically give an economic boost to the southwestern part of the state, which is dreadfully poor. And that's great, except there's nothing there. If for some reason you do have to go to some godforsaken place like Selma, it'll be much faster. (I had to go to Selma once and I swear it took three weeks. Martin Luther King didn't want to march from Selma to Montgomery, it just turned out that driving would take too long. But I kid Selma.)

The story is that companies look for locations near the interstate. And I suppose that's true. But they also look for a nearby population of workers and, you know, cities. There aren't any. That part of the state is one of the lowest-population parts of the US east of the Mississippi. If someone builds a plant, who's going to work there?

Jewish Settlers Suspected in Shooting Death of Palestinian Man

And this is terrorism too. Israel is investigating... It's not helping, either. Israelis can't act like the Palestinians and start targeting civilians. You can call it fighting back, but once it starts the end result will be the loss of American sympathy, and ultimately the destruction of Israel.