Thursday, January 18, 2007

I don't want to loiter in Chelsea

Chelsea eyes law against loitering

Those darned kids! Hanging around, doing... nothing.

You would think it would be the other way around

Siegelman bemoans bills, possibility of prison time

There are ways to get around bills. If you have to, you can declare bankruptcy. As yet, there is no provision for ethical bankruptcy, but it's probably only a matter of time.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Why don't they?

Efforts to curb earmarks don't bother Shelby

He says his stuff can pass muster. Right. There's nothing at all fishy about building seventeen different engineering departments, or however many there are, all based in buildings named after yourself.

"I think the worst thing that ever happened up here was people abusing the appropriation process to build a bridge to nowhere and frivolous projects and everything," Shelby said in an interview last week in his Capitol Hill office. A proposed $223 million project in Alaska in 2005 was ridiculed because of the tiny population of the island it would connect, earning the "bridge to nowhere" moniker.

Oh, I can think of worse things that have happened in Washington.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The United Kingdom of Britain, Northern Island... And France?!?!?!?

France and UK considered 1950s 'merger' | The Guardian | Guardian Unlimited

I don't think British-French union was ever in the cards (for one thing, France is slightly larger than the UK, or is now and I assume was more so then) but the idea of France joining the Commonwealth is very interesting. It's easy to see that then expanding to other European countries joining the Commonwealth, and a European union quite unlike the current EU, under British leadership, coming together decades before.

Though I'm guessing Ireland would get left out of that.

(Via Kevin Drum.)

I don't post about Iraq much

Bombs kill 60 at Baghdad university -

Can you blame me? There is literally nothing good about this situation. 60 dead in this bombing, so far. It just goes on and there's no end in sight and the President has decided that it is never going to end, not on "his watch", and maybe we'll invade Iran too just for kicks.

Monday, January 15, 2007

I wish I was the attorney general

King used Alabama Power skybox

I can only hope that Troy called for the execution of Chris Reitsma. Because pretty much everyone else I know did. Anyway, I'm sure that Troy went to the Attorney General for an Attorney General's opinion and the Attorney General said it was okay.