Friday, October 13, 2006

Cruise ships! Fall colors! Hurricanes! Relatively few hurricanes! NewsFlash - Southeast tourism industry wages post-hurricane campaign

Come to the South this fall! It's still pretty warm into early November, and you'll get plenty of warning before the hurricanes hit!

The metronome

BBC NEWS | Health | Pregnant women 'oily fish alert'

Pregnant women should eat fish. No, they shouldn't. Yes, they should. No, they shouldn't. Repeat 4000 times.


Indian Springs adds Chinese language class

At least, that's what I used to call Indian Springs high school when I was at John Carroll. Chinese? Wow. Alabama high schools don't even have a foreign language requirement. (Good thing, too, otherwise I never would have graduated. I just can't pick up the grammar.)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wes Clark at UA

The University of Alabama, Live Webcast

4 PM tomorrow. I'll be busy but catch it if you can.

What is with people?

2 arrested in fire at rural church

So you're driving around, bored, and your friend says, "Hey, let's burn down a church!" and you agree. I guess. People suck.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Okay, let me take this one now...

Bush: North Korea a 'threat to international peace' -

George "Invades Countries For No Reason" Bush is saying that North Korea is threatening international peace?

Council to Reuben: NYAH

Veto of police, fire raise overridden

Mayor Kincaid says that he will appeal to the courts, because judges love the idea of telling cops and firemen that they aren't getting raises even more than they love the idea of overriding the will of the legislative branch of government.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We're so scared - Bolton: U.S. won't bend to North Korean bullying - Oct 10, 2006

Let me get this straight: The United States of America, the most powerful nation in the history of the planet, with a nuclear arsenal capable of wiping out every life form on Earth that weighs more than a couple of ounces, is accusing North Korea of bullying it?

Also, I thought Bolton's nomination had been withdrawn. When is he going away?

Is this wise? - 'Bionic' skein rebuilt at NBC

On the other hand, a "Battlestar Galactica" remake didn't seem that promising either.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Heck of a job, Bushie - North Korea claims nuclear test - Oct 9, 2006

So now they definitely have nuclear weapons -- that, or they got really lucky with an earthquake. It's getting very difficult to figure out how the Failed Bush Administration could do any worse.