Tuesday, October 15, 2002

From the Ichthypundit (Yeah, I Know, Mammals)

Reuters AlertNet - Iceland says to resume whaling in few years

Okay, here's the order of events:

1) The International Whaling Commission puts a moratorium on whaling.

2) Iceland walks out of the commission because it won't support the ban, but doesn't violate it, unlike Norway and Japan.

3) Several years later, Iceland petitions to rejoin the commission.

4) It votes 19-18 to let them back in.

5) Iceland immediately announces that it's planning to violate the moratorium in a few years.

6) Cue outrage from Greenpeace, US, and UK.

I'm sure there's some way that this makes sense, but I'm not sure what it is. At any rate, Iceland seems less interested in delicious whale meat like the Japanese and more in killing whales so that fish will have more to eat. Which is arguably worse. They swear they won't hunt endangered species.


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