Saturday, August 03, 2002

Tim Burton to film 'Big Fish' novel

Daniel Wallace, a native of Birmingham, says he's thrilled that a movie based on his novel, Big Fish, will be shot in his home state.

Hmm. The movie will star Albert Finney and Ewen McGregor as a father and son. It sounds like the usual horsebleep about the son who returns home to be with his dying father, like a hundred other movies that didn't feature an Englishman and a Scot pretending to be two guys from Alabama. However, the involvement of the eccentric even by Alabama standards Burton would indicate that even if it's horsebleep, it won't be the usual horsebleep, but horsebleep of an entirely different color.

Here's the Birmingham News story referenced in the first article. Mainly the film commission seems happy to have actually gotten a major picture based in Alabama filmed here for once. The football scenes in "Forrest Gump", for example, were filmed out of state -- in South Carolina, I think.


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