Thursday, July 25, 2002

Snakeheads illustrate "invasive species" threat

Now the Dreaded Chinese Snakehead Walking Fish can "slither across land and eat virtually every small animal it encounters", which makes it sound like we should all bring our pets and small children indoors. (Though it's presumably only a matter of time before the DCSWF learns how to operate a doorknob.) This is the first DCSWF story I've seen to mention kudzu, the bane of just about every property owner in the South. It covers buildings. Seriously; an abandoned building in a semi rural area can turn into an overgrown ruin in months and an apparent (to casual observers) hill in a year.

This paragraph is for Terry Oglesby:

Importation of the brushtail possum was banned earlier this month. A voracious marsupial, it is a carrier of bovine tuberculosis and can inflict damage on forests and native species, the Wildlife Service said. Native to Australia, 200 brushtail possums brought to New Zealand have now multiplied to 70 million and spread over 95 percent of the country.


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