Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I think this qualifies as chutzpah

No Jeffco jurors in sewer trial?

The argument seems to be that because everyone in Jefferson County was a victim of the crimes -- oh, sorry, the alleged crimes -- they have prejudged the issue and can't be fair so people from Blount and Shelby Counties -- who are noted for their love of Jefferson County -- should be used instead.

I think this could revolutionize the legal system. For example, if Karl Rove went on trial, only Canadians and Mexicans should serve on the jury. Upon closer reading:
"It is unbelievable that one could have lived in Jefferson County within the last four years and not have been exposed to the negative newspaper reports and angry opinions repeatedly expressed by the articles," the defense request said.
Well, that's an interesting take. I should point out that the people of Shelby and Blount actually read the same papers and watch the same news broadcasts as the people of Jefferson. They largely work in Jefferson.


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