Sunday, September 15, 2002

Sudanese gov't accuses Israel of supporting southern rebels

You can see why Sudan would be upset. I mean, how would Israel feel if other nations in the Middle East sent money and weapons to ethno-religious separatist rebels within Israel? Oh, right.

"How can the rebels obtain tens of tanks, missiles and advanced communications systems if not from Israel?" he asked. "It is in Israel's interest to divide Sudan and the Arab world."

Remember, everything bad that happens to Arabs is Israel's fault. The Christian/animist, non-Arab rebels in the southern Sudan couldn't possibly get their weapons from anyone but the Israelis.

My personal opinion is that if Israel is supporting the rebels (and why would they?) good for them. The southern part of Sudan should be a separate country. It doesn't have any real ties with the north and I don't blame them for wanting to avoid being ruled by sharia law, something the northern rulers of the country are thinking about.


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