Friday, September 20, 2002

Reuters Wire | 09/20/2002 | Hitler Comparison Causes Storm Before German Poll

You know, "Storm" is yet another word you might want to avoid when you're talking about Hitler.

Here's an idea... If we are going to maintain a force in Central Europe, why don't we ditch the Germans and move to the western states of the old Soviet Bloc -- Poland, the Czech Republic, etc.? Those countries could use the economic boost, their leaders aren't running for re-election on blatant anti-Americanism, and if the Russians get frisky again we'd be in better position to do something about it. Closer to the Middle East as well. It would cost some money at first, since we'd have to build new bases or retrofit the old Soviet ones, but we can afford it. And it would teach the Germans a lesson. Of course, the Germans would have to build up their army again, and the French might not like that, but I find I'm not particularly concerned by what the French think either.

The co-writer of the story is named "Emma Thomasson". I hate those double-s freaks.


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