Wednesday, September 04, 2002

From the Ichthypundit

Poisoned snakeheads go belly up

Maryland DNR is finally putting in the poison to kill the snakeheads. It appears to be working... so far. I would point out that their last poison attempt didn't kill the plants they were hoping to get.

The voracious appetite of the snakehead was apparent when one 4-inch juvenile was cut open and a whole, inch-long sunfish and a whole mosquito fish, similar to a minnow, were found in its stomach.

Of course, that sunfish and mosquito fish only predeceased their brethren in the pond by a brief while. All the fish in the pond are going to be killed by the poison. If not...

This fall, the DNR plans to electroshock the pond to test if any fish survived the poisoning. If so, the pond may be poisoned again...

Stay tuned for the sequel!


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