Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Rolling rolling rolling...

Checking around the increasingly bloated blogroll...

I'm afraid I've made Meryl paranoid. Sorry about that. It's probably not West Nile. Get better, drink plenty of fluids, and try not to watch the news. It's really depressing.

If it helps, The Bear thinks Meryl wiped the mat with the tag-team of Andersen and Sully.

Laurence Simon is outraged at his former employers (again). This time, they've launched an "investigation" of a nationally recognized local charity that delivers meals to poor children. Their investigation has scared off donors and the charity has had to close its doors. Temporarily, they hope.

Dominion rips apart that dreadful ad -- maybe you've seen it, or maybe it's just running in the South -- about the "Lawsuit Tax". It's another piece of "tort reform", blame the lawyers garbage, which I was going to rant about but he's done better. ("[T]he whole of the tort reform movement is to limit how much a company has to pay for acting like a jerk.") I'm not unbiased here; my father is a trial lawyer, my sister is a trial lawyer, my brother is a law student. But for all the consumerist rhetoric, "tort reform" is basically a way of protecting corporate wrongdoers.

The should-be Maxim Blogger points to another French Folly: the CESM want an international tax! "Anything that will help bring on a depression", that's the French motto. It's France-bashing day here at War Liberal!

As Meryl noted in the comments, it seems that nobody but me cares about the Masters/sex discrimination/sponsor boycott thing. I am going to prefer to believe it's just that nobody thinks it's interesting.

Enough for now. Maybe I'll do another sweep later.


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