Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Ananova - Standoff at controversial mosque conference

Meanwhile, the Weasel Bastard Sharia Boosters Club meeting in London (Motto: "Only One Person Traveling To The Meeting Has Been Arrested For Suspected Hijacking") is having problems. The WBSB can't get out of the mosque because they're surrounded by police, who are trying to keep a collection of Neo-Nazis and anti-Nazis and journalists away.

Journalists were also gathered outside after the mosque's leading cleric and leader of al-Muhajiroun, Omar Bakri Mohammed, appeared briefly outside to tell the media they were not allowed in. The entrance to the mosque was guarded by a group of Muslim youths covering their faces with headscarves.

Other youths hung banners from the windows of the mosque declaring "Islam the future for Britain".

Inside the mosque the "positive outcomes" of the terrorist attacks on the US a year ago today was one theme being discussed. Abu Hamza al-Masri, who lost one hand fighting in Afghanistan against the Soviets, also spoke.

Will someone please explain the difference between these folks and Louis Farrakhan, who can't enter Britain?


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