Tuesday, September 03, 2002

ajc.com | Sports | FURMAN BISHER
Please stop harassing Masters

Bisher was a talented sportswriter, once. But that was before I was born. As long as I can remember he's been a real-life sports version of Dana Carvey's Cranky Old Man, or maybe Abe Simpson. He hates everyone and everything except a select group of other cranky old men. The Masters, as the every symbol of Cranky (White) Old Southern Men, is one of the things he doesn't hate.

Augusta National Golf Club can go hang as far as I'm concerned. If they don't want any girls in their clubhouse, that's their business. But they don't have any right to avoid criticism, especially since they get hour upon hour of live television every year with CBS all breathless about how wonderful it is. I'm sure that the head of the NCWO is a dreadful person. That doesn't mean she's not essentially right, or that she's not well within her rights to use economic power to try and bring the club into the 20th century. If they don't like it, they can pay the network to air the tournament. Which is what they're doing.


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