Monday, July 08, 2002

Pathetic Moments In Headline Writing

Lipscomb tells 90-year-old nay to having horses in city

That's barely even a pun.

I used to drive through Lipscomb (which isn't much of a city; it's an elderly industrial suburb) and it's not really horse country. But if a guy has had horses there for 75 years, it's hardly fair to tell him to get rid of them now. But that's the plan, as soon as they're sure it's against the law.

City Council President Helen Pettigrew said she believed the city had a law prohibiting livestock from being kept in the city limits.

But Pettigrew said city officials have been unable to locate the binder containing the city's ordinances.

Having once spent a year there one evening paying a speeding ticket, that pretty well matches my impression of the Lipscomb City Hall.


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