Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Charles Austin has responded to my post on several other people's posts... well you get the idea. On the great left-wing political violence epidemic that going to be started because Media Whores Online asks its readers to send polite emails to media people.

I will agree with Charles that it's unfair to tag the "right" with blame for people like Eric Rudolph and Tim McVeigh. But that's exactly the whole point of Mickey "I swear, I'm a Democrat" Kaus is trying to do -- even though there hasn't been any left-wing political violence to speak of in the United States.

And yes, you can lay "people deprived of medical advances or genetically improved rice at the feet of the Luddites", but don't blame us for the Luddites. Ludditism is a disease that affects the whole political spectrum.


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