Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ztrike! Ztrike! Ztrike!

Bees abandon hives in 27 states

In "Colony Collapse Disorder" (great name) worker bees just fly off and don't return, leaving the nonproductive members of the colony to starve. Alabama has a protection regime in place that doesn't allow the import of bees from other states, and has thus been spared CCD, but it's been reported in surrounding states.


At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just waiting for conservatives to declare this to be a "hoax" perpretrated by nutjob librul environmental activists.

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure those aren't yankee retiree worker bees headed south? Have been a bunch of them lately.

And on a related front the snow birds have migrated back to Canada. No more checking coins for HM's face until Race week.


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