Friday, October 20, 2006

No, a racist NASCAR analyst!

Speed Channel suspends analyst Dunlap for on-air remarks about Hispanics -

Apparently, he made mock of a claim that Latinos are ten percent of the NASCAR audience. I don't buy that either, but he said something else in the process. USA Today won't say what and actually pretends that they don't know.


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tape or transcript of the exchange was not immediately available Thursday and Speed Channel declined to say exactly what Dunlap said.

Guess it hasn't aired yet. It was a taped show so it may never see broadcast, at least not without some major editing.

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From another article:

Last week, Fox Sports fired baseball broadcaster Steve Lyons for making a racially insensitive comment about colleague Lou Piniella's Hispanic heritage.

Fox owns the Charlotte-based Speed Channel.

Anybody see a trend here?


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