No way!
Siegelman, Scrushy seek retrial, cite jury e-mails
You mean they aren't going to go quietly to jail? How unexpected!
Apparently, some of the jurors were exchanging emails, which is probably not supposed to happen but considering they were supposed to talk to each other sounds like a technicality at best. Also, one of them now says that he would not have voted to convict and that other jurors pressured him -- but that happens all the time.
For God sakes have you read the emails in question? They are on They were bargaining for a conviction BEFORE the Government even rested. Is that a technicality? Violating an order the judge repeated 67 times! Is that a technicality too. Would you be willing to go quietly off to jail if these "technicalities" occurred during your trial?
I don't think judges should put pressure on juries like they do or that jurors should pressure holdouts, but the simple fact is that this sort of stuff is increasingly acceptable behavior. That's all there is to it. It's very hard to get a conviction reversed nowadays unless the judge or prosecution does something blatantly illegal.
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