Attack of the Interstellar EU
My new Skeptical Inquirer arrived yesterday, and I'm enjoying it. There's a long report on the Skeptics' Conference I'd like to break down here eventually, but for now I'm going to talk about appropriately named Phillip Krapf, author of at least two books, including The Challenge of Contact: A Mainstream Journalist's Report on Interplanetary Diplomacy who is covered in the "Psychic Vibrations" column by Robert Schaeffer. From the column:
Krapf says that on June 11, 1997, the aliens whisked him aboard their spacecraft, subjected him not to medical examinations but three days of drawn-out meetings with various members of the interstellar bureaucracy, and commanded him to begin writing a book...
Krapf writes of his contact with The Verdants, who are an enlightened, peace-loving race... These superior beings, who represent an Intergalactic Federation, are strict vegetarians. They promise a wonderful future for Earth in which all our needs will be met and everyone lives in peace and harmony. But there's a catch: approximately 20 percent of Earth's population is too greedy and self-centered to accept an egalitarian utopia. So these un-peace-loving people must be peacefully rounded up and peacefully transported to remote places of exile, whether they like it or not. They much also not be allowed to reproduce any more of their miserable lot, so that means they'll have to be sterilized as well. Peacefully, of course, as the Verdants carry no weapons.
The parallels with the European Union are obvious, of course. (Also, I originally wrote utopia as "Eutopia". Coincidence?)
Unfortunately, according to Krapf, the events of September 11 convinced the Verdants that humanity wasn't ready to join the GF. You would think that things like the ongoing wars in Africa, or the Balkans, or Indian/Pakistani tension, would have been enough for them, actually.
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