Wednesday, July 03, 2002

Fireworks destroy osprey nests, injure two teens

Today's Jackass Award is shared between the idiots in Washington state who thought it would be fun to build a pipe bomb out of fireworks to celebrate Independence Day (and blew off their fingers) and to the other idiots in Washington state who thought it would be fun to set an osprey nest on fire with a bottle rocket. If forced to choose, I go with the latter, since the former were hurt by their own stupidity instead of hurting others, though it easily could have gone the other way.

I really hate people who kill animals for no reason. I'm a carnivore, and I know animals will be killed, even wild animals, even rare ones. I know hunting is not only a major part of some people's lives but necessary for some species to survive (since their natural predators have been driven out). But this sort of casual cruelty for thrills sickens me.


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