Friday, June 21, 2002

Reason #3,402 to vote for Artur Davis

Sharpton begins blitz for Hilliard

Sharpton calls Davis an Uncle Tom:

The new challenge is to try and buy leadership and to have money come in and use people that look like us but that are not for us. Everybody that is our color is not our kind.

You know, it really is true, what they say: you can see the truth about a person by the company they keep... Sharpton complimented Hilliard, or tried to, by saying his position on the Middle East is "balanced". That's the problem, you see. It's a lack of understanding that there are in fact good guys and bad guys, and the bad guys include people like Hilliard's pal Moammar Qadafi. "Balance" is what leads to things like CNN's coverage of Israel, which finds it necessary to give "both sides" when one side finds the murder of children justifiable.


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